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The day went by quickly and Lauren was already changing into her sweats and shirt for PE "Camila? Can- can I hold your hand?".

Camila looked smiling as she took Lauren's hands into hers and walked out the locker room seeing Shawn smirk at Lauren.  Camila flipped him off as Lauren hid herself behind Camila.

They walked around the track and talked about a few things "After school do you wanna come with me to the ice cream parlor?".

"Ice cream? I can have one?" Lauren looked up at Camila with her eyes big and her lips shaped in an 'o' shape.

"Yeah, you can have whatever you want" Camila smiled rubbing her thumb over Lauren's hand "The girls will be there too".

"Okay, I wanna come" Lauren smiled nodding as she licked her lips imagining the flavors.

Camila returned the smile looking down at the girls lips and biting her own- woooooooooah there.

Is this weird?



Camila walked home with Lauren talking about the flavors she'll try. When they got there Camila opened the door and put down their back packs and grabbing her bikes.

"You ready?" Camila said giving Lauren the bike but the girl looked confused "What's wrong?".

"I can't ride a bike...I never had a bike" Lauren shrugged looking down "Does that make me weird?".

"No, of course not!" Camila reassured the girl "You know what? I'll teach you!".

Camila dropped her bike on her drive way and ran into her house grabbing her garage opener and opening the garage getting her knees pads, elbow pads, and helmet "Put these on for me".

Lauren did as she was told putting on the pads and helmet "What now?".

"Get on the bike" Camila smiled holding the bike. Lauren got on the bike feeling her heart race as she put her foot on the pedal and one on the floor.

"Okay, now peddle" Lauren gulped peddling slowly and she felt Camila push her and soon Camila was running with Lauren and let go.

Lauren gulped as she peddled and peddled "Am I riding a bike?" Lauren didn't hear a response so she turned her head around seeing no one behind her and suddenly she went flying off her bike as she hit a rock.

Camila rushed over there panicking as she saw Lauren on the floor "Fuck! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Oh god you're bleeding!".

"I'm o-okay" Laure nodded getting up slowly "I want to do that again".

"But you're bleeding?"

"It's not the first time" she shrugged walking over to the bike and picking it up again as blood fell down her leg. So much for knee pads right?

They were back at their house and Camila was holding the as lauren slowly started peddling, she felt Camila push her like before and peddled even faster feeling Camila finger tips leave her bike seat.

Lauren could feel the sun hit her face and she smiled as the wind blew through her hair "Lauren! You're riding a bike, baby!".

Lauren opened her eyes and stopped peddling feeling the bike stop and fall at her feet, she turned around and saw Camila running towards her and pick her up off her feet and swing her around.

"You did it!"Camila shouted putting her down "You were riding a bike!".

"I did...I did!" Lauren smiled clapping her hands together "I rode a bike!".

"What's happening here?" Dinah smirked as she licked her ice cream and looked at the other girls beside her.

"Guys, camz taught me how ride a bike!" Laure jumped up and down "I was riding a bike, guys!".

Normani smiled shaking her head "We're proud of you, babygirl".

"Here take your ice cream, champ" Ally laughed giving her a vanilla ice cream and a banana ice cream to Camila.

"Thank you, camz!" Lauren gave Camila a big hug as she tried to pull away Camila didn't...she kept her hand around Lauren and smiled down at her "You did everything, baby don't thank me".

Welcome Home|CamrenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon