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One day later

"Dad, I don't think Lauren should go to school" Camila spoke pouring herself a glass of water.

"Why's that?"He asked looking up from his phone.

"Has something happened?" Sinu pokes her head through the doorframe.

"She's just overwhelmed"Camila lied "Please, i think this is the best for her".

"Camila, I get what you mean but even if we decide to not have her go to school...who will watch her?" Ale questioned sighing.

Camila shook her head also sighing walking up stairs angrily, she opened her door seeing Lauren sound asleep hugging onto nala.


Camila looked side to side confused.

Who the fuck is camz?

"Erm, who?"

She was now fully awake and up rubbing her eyes "You're camz is-is that okay?".

Camila smiled nodding.

"Get ready for school" Camila sighed rubbing her thighs.

"Camz, I c-can't" Lauren backed up " H-he's gonna get me".

Camila shook her head "He won't, I'll make sure you're never alone" Camila gave out her pinky looking at Lauren with a smile "I Promise".

Lauren nodded linking her pinky with hers and kissing it, she got off the bed and walked into the bathroom.


The girls arrived at school seeing Shawn with his friends laughing...Camila's blood boiled as she walked passed him with Lauren's hand hooked to hers.

"Hey Lauren" Dinah smiled rubbing the girls back "Camila told us everything" she looked into Lauren's eyes "That mother fucker won't do anything as long as I'm here,okay?".

Lauren slowly nodded as her lips slightly curled up "Thank y-you".

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