the losers

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it was your first "official" day in derry and you were excited because it was your first time really going out and exploring the town. for weeks your parents have been have made you stay home and help unpack, and although you guys were still in the process of setting up the house, they decided it would be good for you to explore and find where everything is. your uncle showed you where you would be going to school after the summer. it was a nice school, but also had plenty of police cars patrolling the facility. your uncle told you it was because recently lots of kids had gone missing, so the police force kept a close eye on all of the public schools and areas.

as you approached the school, you saw your cousin and his friends harassing a group of boys who looked far smaller than he did. you quickly walked up to them and shoved him from behind.

"what the fuck did you just do, loser? i'll deal with you later i-" the boy turned around, his eyes widening as they landed on you . "y/n?"

"what the fuck, henry?" you were confused and didn't want to believe it was really him.

you and henry were very close. every time you visited him, he was super nice and treated you like a princess. since his mother left him, you were the one to help guide him through the hard times. your opinion meant everything to henry, and he never wanted to disappoint you.

you were unable to match the henry you knew to the henry that was harassing children who were obviously helpless.

"hey, now, girl, why don't you just-" a tall boy with brown hair started walking towards you before you gave him the finger. he was about to go after you, but henry stopped him.

"come on, let's go." henry mumbled, starting to leave the small group of boys behind, his friends following him. "this is not, over."

"i am so sorry about henry. i swear i have never seen him this hostile, and i mean never." you apologized to the group before helping up the boy with glasses.

they all stared at you in disbelief. no one had ever stood up to henry bowers like that. no one had ever stood up to henry bowers at all, at least, not without getting beaten up. the boy you helped get back on his feet pushed up his thick glasses.

"you just stood up to the bowers gang." he said. you laughed at the name.

"wait, wait. let me get this straight. henry's in a gang and it's named after him?" you started to laugh even harder up to the point where you almost cried. you didn't know the reputation that the bowers gang held, so this all seemed very odd to you. the group nodded as the tall boy with curls brushed the dirt off his pants.

"thanks." the smallest boy said before taking a puff from his inhaler. "i'm eddie." he looked down and you smiled at the boy, despite the fact he wasn't looking at you.

"i'm stan." the boy with the curly hair introduced himself. "the tall one is bill, he has a stutter, and the one with the glasses and trashmouth is richie. we call him trashmouth tozier."

"a-are you new?" bill asked. you nodded your head.

"yeah, i just moved to derry. i'm y/n." you smiled at the group of boys. they were all too nervous to say anything to you, even richie. "well, i don't really know my way around derry yet. would you guys mind showing me around?"

the boys never talked to girls, mainly because they were branded as losers at school, but they thought it would be nice to gain a new member. they would be able to have a fresh start.

"welcome to the losers club." richie said with a smile, pushing up his glasses. you smiled back, happy that you met people that seemed genuinely nice.
my writing is just bleh okay i don't know what this is. if you want to request anything, check out the first post.

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