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woohooooo slight filler chapter because im a shit planner and had like the most dramatic jump between last chapter and the one after this. So this one is here to fill the gap.


"Man, I suck at this."

"No you don't!" Jonathan glares at Luke and his stupid drawing. They had been working on homework together, and honestly, it wasn't going too well. "At least yours looks like you!"

Luke looks over at Jonathan's paper and laughs. "Yeah. What the actual fuck is that? A whale?"

"No," Jonathan says angrily. "It's a snake! Can't you tell from the tongue?! It's a damn snake!"

"That's a tongue?" Luke leans in closer to Jonathan's paper and frowns. "Shit... I thought that was his hand or something."

Jonathan sighs in frustration and rests his head on the table. "Marcel and Brock are taking forever! I just- I just wanted to study, dammit!"

Seriously, it's been thirty minutes. He can understand Marcel doing something like this, but Brock? Brock is never late as far as Jonathan knows.

They spend another twenty minutes arguing over snakes and whales, and it isn't until the librarian kicks them out that Jon realizes neither showed up. He looks around the area outside of the library and then stomps his foot angrily. "These fuckers never even showed up!"

Luke rolls his eyes, throwing a small ball of fire at his paper. "Whatever. I'm not even sure if I'm doing the assignment right. I'll just do it tomorrow."

Jon frowns. "But it was due yesterday..."

"Really?" Luke seems surprised by this. "Shit, I shouldn't have burned my paper then." He looks down at the tiny pile of ashes on the ground and kicks at it gently. The ashes are thrown up into the air and blow away with the wind. Luke just sighs and shakes his head. "Well, there goes my grade."

"Luke, Jon, what happened here? It smells like smoke..."

Jonathan happily turns to the source of the noise. "Brock! What the fuck took you so long?! We wait- we were here forever!"

Brock smiles sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. "Well... Panda called me. He needed some help with stuff. Said something about a monster under his bed," he explains with a laugh. "It's good now. We're all good."

Luke seems concerned. Jonathan glances at him, in hopes that he'll say something, but not a word is said from him. So Jonathan speaks instead. "What's up with Panda anyways? He was all upset and shit on Monday, and- and..."

"Oh, him?" Brock shrugs again. "He... he had a bad dream on Sunday night. He couldn't really get over it, it shook him up a lot. He's doing okay, though. I'd tell you more but I think it's better if you just ask him yourselves." Brock looks at them, then at the books in Jon's arms (because Luke is an asshole and didn't offer to carry any) and immediately crosses his arms. "Did you guys get kicked out of the library?"

"Uh.... Maybe," Jonathan says.

Luke smirks. "So what if we did? It's not my fault Jonny boy over here can't fucking draw snakes."

Jonathan crosses his arms and glares up at Luke. "Shut."

"Shut what? My mouth? My eyes? My legs? You calling me a whore Del?" Luke is grinning widely, stroking the tiny beard on his chin. Jon learned yesterday that he decided to grow a beard. He isn't sure how well that plan will go, but he appreciates Luke's enthusiasm for growing beards either way. It's not really his thing.

Brock shakes his head in disapproval. "Come on guys. You guys know better than that."

"Sorry," they both mumble. It's quite embarrassing now that Jon thinks about it.

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