Chapter 2: Wait, Everyone's Where Now?!

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Hey All my Little Galaxies! Star-Chan here with another chapter of my sequel! It's finally up, after months of putting it off! The next one will come out as soon as I finish it, I promise!

Love you all and I hope you enjoy!

Perry's P.O.V.



I immediately put down the box I was holding and pulled him into this big hug hug.

"Travis! Oh my Irene, it's fantastic to see you again!" I squealed. "Perry! It's been so long! Geez, everyone is gonna flip when they hear you're back in town!" He said. "Wait, everyone? You mean, everyone everyone?" I ask.

"Yep. Well, except Teony and Cadenza. Haven't heard much from them." He says.

Squealing, I clap a bit. "Oh my Irene! It's been ages since I've seen you all! Travis, have you gotten taller?!" I ask, pressing down on the top of his head.

"Don't do that!" He says, swatting my hand away. "Fine, fine. I'm happy to see you, but I've got to finish moving these boxes inside." I say, turning to Nova. She appears to be balancing several large boxes at once.

"Oh hi! Travis, right? I've heard alot about you and the rest of Perry's highschool friends! I'm Nova, and I'll be living with Pear. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you two. Say, I can go get some of the guys to help?"

"Actually, that'd be great! Nova seems to be a bit overwhelmed right now."

"I'm on it!" He says, speeding off. Turning around, I take a couple boxes from Nova, and we start unloading the van. We do this for about 10 minutes, before four men approach us.

"Vlyad, Garroth, Aaron! Hi guys!" I shout, waving as I set a box on the ground. I trot over to them.

"Perry!" Vlyad shouts, enveloping me in a large hug.

"Vlyaddie! Gosh, it's been forever. How've you been? Are you and Kawaii-chan still together?" I ask.

"Yeah. Though we took a break for  a bit so I could travel."

"That's great! And you Garroth?"

"Laurance and I are still dating. What about you, you had any luck in love?" He asks, hugging me quickly.

"Not really, I didn't have the time to. What about you Aaron?" I ask, cocking my head mischievously.

"Nope. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Just hand me a box."

Sighing, I hand him a box and we begin moving ourselves in. As we do it, the boys catch me up to what's happened since I was gone. They also explained things to Nova, who was greatly appreciative.

In about 2 hours, we had finished unpacking the van. I hugged everyone goodbye, and waved them off.

Vlyad made me promise to come over once I'd unpacked. I was definitely planning on it.

After all, this was just the beginning of my new life.

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