Chapter 7: Zane's Problem

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   Hey gals, guys, and nonbinary fry's! Star here! I'm finally back with another chapter! It's been awhile since we've gotten another installment for Perry! I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Have a slightly more serious chapter. The next one is gonna be completely light, so yeah!

I hope you enjoy! If you do, don't forget to Vote and Comment. I really appreciate it, as it let's me know if you're enjoying the story!

As always, this is Star-chan, signing off! Peace from the Napoleon Galaxy, my little galaxies!

Word Count: 635

   I was a little bored that day. I'd just finished up a shift at the library, and I didn't have any plans. Nova was gone, probably at work, so the house was empty. I didn't like when that house was empty. It was too quiet for my tastes.

   I decided to walk over to Zane's place. I texted beforehand, just to confirm that he wasn't busy.

| P is Perry. EmoBoi is Zane|

P: Yo Zuzu! Can I come over, or are you busy?

EmoBoi: Don't call me that! And yes, you can come over. I'm not busy or anything.

P: K. Walkin' over now. See ya soon...Zuzu.

EmoBoi: pERRY.

  Smirking to myself, I pocketed my phone and headed over. It was around noon, and the winter sky was filled with clouds. I smiled to myself. "It's probably going to snow soon." I thought aloud.

  I passed Katelyn out in her yard, and waved. "Wassup Perry?" She called out. "Nothing much. Heading to Zane's place." I answered, stopping for a moment. Katelyn gave me a weird look, but continued about her business, waving goodbye.

  I continued walking, eventually making it to Zane's house. I knocked, and Zane called out from inside that the door was unlocked. I entered, taking my shoes off in the doorway. Zane's house was well organized, despite what you might think. He was actually really big on neatness.

  Zane was sitting on the couch, and I plopped next to him. "Hey man. How you doing?" I asked him. Zane shrugged, and I could tell by his face that something was wrong. However, I knew he wouldn't answer me outright. I needed to aproach with caution.

  "So, have you talked to your brothers recently?" I asked. I was curious about that. He never seemed to talk about them. Which was weird, considering they lived near each other. You'd think he'd at least mention them once in awhile. "Nope. Not like they'd want to anyway." Zane said, his voice rather bitter.

I looked at him, slightly shocked. "What?! What are you talking about? They're your brothers, of course they want to talk to you." I said, a worried look crossing my face. Zane shook his head. "After you left, I fell into a bad crowd and did some things I'm not proud of. We haven't been on good terms since." He mumbled. I just stared at him for a moment, before saying," Look. Maybe you did make some bad descisions, but you're still family. Family always make up. You need to at least try!"

  "So, you're saying you would let your Dad waltz back into your life?" He asked. I felt a wave of bad emotions. What did he mean by that?! "Of course I wouldn't. You and Dad aren't anything alike. Dad straight up abandoned me. He hasn't even tried to speak to me since I was thirteen. He wouldn't even let Caleb visit! The last time we saw each other, he was nothing but judgemental and rude. You're a better person then he'll ever be." I said, almost shouting.

Zane flinched, sensing my anger. "Sorry. Shouldn't have said that." He mumbled. I just patted his back. "It's fine." I paused, before adding," Tommorow, we're talking to your brothers. I won't have any of this family feud nonsense."  Zane nodded.

  Satisfied, I turned to the TV. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked. He said yes, so I got up to get one.

  We spent the rest of the day watching movies and talking. I don't remember falling asleep, but I guess I must've.

After all, I did wake up at around 1:00 AM. Zane's arm was wrapped around me, and he was completely out. I was a little embarresed, but I just closed my eyes and dozed back off.

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