Chapter 3: Housewarming and Heartwarming

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Perry's P.O.V.

 Finally, I was finished packing. Most of our furniture was out, and all we really had to do was bring some boxes into our basement. Oh, and set up Nova's Senpai Shrine®.  But those things could wait.  "Nova! Nova! C'mon lazybutt, we're going to visit our neighbors," I called out, standing at the foot of our stairs. "Coming!" She called back. Heavy footsteps stormed down the stairs, and she was beside me within seconds. Her hair was covered in dust, and spider webs. "Uhh..What's with the Halloween decorations?" I asked, teasing her. 

   "Har har har! Very funny. There's apparently a secret attic in my ceiling. I accidently opened it trying to hang up my plant box. Let's just go." She said, grumbling.  Laughing slightly to myself, I exit. Nova came up behind me, brushing her festive decor out of her purple locks.  We started down the street, coming up to the house Vlyad said he was living in. He mentioned something about his roomates, but I shook it off. I knocked on the door. After a couple seconds it swung open. Strangely enough, I didn't see anyone behind it. 

  The two of us stepped into a dark house. "Strange..Where is he? He didn't mention anything about him leaving." I said, walking a little further.  As Nova came behind us, the door closed suddenly. " Oh my Irene his house  is haunted. This is a horror movie, I knew it. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. We're going to die! Goodbye cruel world!" Nova said, slipping into a panicked state.

  I sighed slightly. "It's not a horror movie Nova.  It's probably a prank," I paused before shouting," Boys, if you don't come out right now I promise I'll clobber you."

    I heard the scuffling of feet and the lights switched on. Vlyad appeared in front of me within seconds.

" Ok, ok!  I give up, everyone's out back waiting for us! I just wanted to scare you a bit." He said quickly, making sure to put ample space between us. I smiled slightly," It's fine Vlyaddie-kins. Now take me outside!" Vlyad nods, grabbing my hand and dragging me outside.

 My heart warms as the familar sight of all my friends talking and laughing appears before me. However, I notice with some disdain that Dante is among those people. A thorn among roses I suppose. Nova followed behind me, seeming somewhat daunted by the amount of people in the space.

 I am immediatly enveloped by Aphmau, who seemed excited to see me. "Perry! It's been so long, how have you been?" She asks happily. I answer, "Oh I've been well. Aph this is Nova!" "Hi Aph! Nice to meet you!" Nova chirps, shaking her hand.

Laurance dragged himself away from the kitchen just long enough to hug me and say, "Good to see you Pear. Nice to meet you Nova."  He darted back to the kitchen not a moment later.

I met Jeffery's daughter as well. She was adorable, but I don't think she liked Nova. She flat out-refused to talk to her. Jeff apologized, but Nova was still really hurt. She loves kids. 

Katelyn and Lucinda were pleasent, or as pleasant as they could be while still attempting to push each other into a pool. Seriously, when did their rivarly get that bad? I had always thought they were, well, friends. I wanted to avoid getting wet, but then Kawaii-Chan stepped in and got thrown into the pool so I had to pull her out. I was not a happy camper.  

After that I looked around for Zane, but he was nowhere to be seen. Great, the one person I didn't want to see is here but Zane isn't. I continued to look around, until bumping into Dante.

"Perry, it's been awhile. How are you?" Dante asked quietly. I felt white-hot rage in my chest. Call me childish, but after all these years my hatred for him and the way he'd hurt me hadn't dissapated. It'd only gotten stronger. "Save it. I'm done with you, have been for awhile." I muttered, walking away quickly. I didn't see the hurt look on his face, but Nova did.

"Hey Dante. I'm sorry about her. She isn't always so..awful." Nova said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Dante shrugs it off. "I don't need you to comfort me." He snap. Nova, feeling defeated, walked away quietly. 


I'm so awful, Ik Ik. I've just been busy and had no motivation. Please be patient with me! I'll try to write more, I swear. Anyways, thanks for reading! Peace from the Napolean Galaxy, My little galaxies.

Signing off,


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