Chapter 5: A Girl Day

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Hey Everyone! Star-Chan Here! Normally the Authors Note is at the end, but this one is really important! Please read this!

Star's Name has been changed to Nova. The reason is because I realized that her name might confuse some people. Star was not, and was never meant to be, a self insert. I chose the name Star because at the time, I needed a quick name for Perry's housemate, and decided to use my handle. The name was never meant to be permant.

   Star's character went from being a supporting cast member to a main character about 2 months into my writing process. As such, I realized she deserved her own name. I chose Nova because it was clean, simple, and recognizable. 

  Their is also a definite plan for the story now. After about 4 months of writing, I've streamlined the plot into 28 chapters. This includes the 5 already published. With the first rough outline planned and finished, chapters should come out more frequently.

Thank you all for being patient with me. I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, This is Star-Chan, signing off. Peace from the Napoleon Galaxy, My little galaxies.
Word Count: 570


   A couple days after we finished moving in, Aph invited Nova and I over to her place for a girl day. It sounded like a fun way to catch up with my gal pals and get Nova a little more situated in the group, so I decided to go.

  We arrived a little after noon, and waited at the door. Katelyn let us in and lead us to the kitchen.

  Lucinda and Nicole were sitting at the table having a conversation quietly. Kawaii-chan and Aph were loudly discussing the cookies they were baking near the stove.

Nova waved. "Hi everyone!" She said gleefully, plopping down at the table. I took the seat next to her. Kawaii-chan smiled back at her. "Hi Nova-chan! Kawaii-chan's cookies will be done soon!" She chirped. I smiled. "What kind?" I asked Aphmau. "Chocolate chip." Aph answered, sitting down besides Nicole. Katelyn sat next to Lucinda, and KC took the seat besides her.

The three of us began to talk about life, mostly about weird events that had been occuring in the neighborhood. Katelyn asked a lot of questions, almost like she was interrogating Nova and I. When the cookies were finally done, we had some, nearly burning our tounges on melted chocolate goodness.

  "How's the job hunt going Perry?" Aph asked through a bite of cookie. "Pretty well. I've done a couple small extra pieces for some movies." I said. Acting is a tough field to break into. At the time, I was hoping to find the big part to jump start my career. Sadly, at the time I was having no such luck.

Nicole looked down at her phone and squealed. "Oh my Irene! Look at this model. Isn't he just hawt!" She rambled, showing us all a picture of him. Katelyn rolled her eyes. "Sure Nicole. He's decent looking." She answered. Lucinda lightly slapped her arm. "Girl don't be like that! He's a hunk!" She said dramatically. Aph nodded in agreement. I just sighed. "He's good looking and all, but his personality is such a let down." I inputted. Nova shrugged. "I guess so. He's just not my type." Nova added.

  Lucinda looked over at her mischeivously. "What is your type then?" She asked.

   Nova thought for a moment. "They'd have to be smart, considerate, maybe a little funny, and y'know,  I've always been partial to dark hair colors. Oh, and they'd have to be female." Nova finally said. Kawaii-chan spoke up after her. "Oh, Kawaii-chan didn't know that Nova-chan liked girls!" She said sweetly.

   Nova laughed and responded with,"Yeah, I'm not really over the top with it. It's not something I really think about a lot to be  perfectly honest." I just shook my head slightly. "Ok, enough romance talk. Aph, have you finished Danganronpa yet?" I asked. Aphmau immediatly launched into a rant about the ending, and we all joined in.

By the time it started to get dark, we were all pretty tired. I took my leave, and walked home alone, since Nova wanted to stay awhile longer. As I walked, I found myself humming. It'd been so long since I had the chance to hang with my girls as a group. I was satisfied with the life I had now.

And honestly, it felt like I had never left.

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