Chapter 9: Snowed In (Part 2)

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  I woke up this morning to the gentle, pleasant sound of my book falling off the dresser onto my wood floor. I sat up, stunned for a few seconds before relaxing. I grabbed my phone from the bedside cabinet and checked the time. It was around 8:00 am. I clambered out of bed. I needed to get ready for work today.

  After doing what I needed to do in the bathroom, I headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bagel for breakfast. Then, I walked into the living room, plopped down on the couch, and turned on the news. It was the same old stuff, mostly politics and murder. Then I walked over to grab my bag, seeing as I wanted to get to work on time for once.

I finally gathered my things, and as I tried to exit, I was nearly drowned in snow. I couldn't see anything besides snownoutside my door. Even the windows were pretty much blocked.

  I called off of work and then checked with the snow-plowers. It was going to be another four hours before they would be at our block.

  Sighing, I resigned myself to a day in. I chilled out for a bit, just channel surfing and half-napping. After a couple hours, I got hungry. I went to grab a snack, and came back with a bowl full of grapes and a sandwich. As I was munching away, this show came on that had a really catchy opener. As such, it caused me to bounce around to the tune, singing along. So much so that I flung an arm out and knocked a picture frame off the table.

  I winced as the glass smashed, and quickly picked it up. It was a picture of Perry and I from highschool. I scoffed at how dorky I looked with my hair in a bun and my eyes crossed.

I decided to go into the basement and retrieve a picture frame. I wandered around the basement, trying to remember where I kept the frames. Eventually I spotted the box, high on a shelf. I managed to pull myself up to retrieve it, nearly falling over several times. I rummaged through it for a bit, finally discovering the right size for the picture.

I went back upstairs, retrieving the photo from my pocket and carefully framing it. I ended up sitting on the stairs like an idiot, staring at the newly framed photo. It brought back so many memories.

   I hadn't really been popular back then. I didn't have many friends, since I preferred staying inside to partying. The other werewolves didn't like me either, since I was so different from the rest of them. It was hard for me to meet new people. Perry had been assigned to be my lab partner. Maybe it was a cliche way to meet a new friend, but it was how we met. Perry was everything I'd ever wanted to be. She was mature, hilarious, beautiful, and outgoing. She was even a full blooded werewolf, something I'd never gotten to be. Something I could never be.

  To her, it didn't matter that I was a little strange. I was just -me- to her. It didn't matter that I wasn't athletic, that I wasn't gifted in any way. The two of us were inseparable, and I was certain nothing could change that.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I did remember Perry leaving my room, whispering a good night to me.

Word Count: 587

Hey gals, guys, and nonbinary fries! Star here, back with another chapter of The Locket. Sorry this one took so long, I was incredibly drained for a bit. Hopefully I'll write more soon. Anyways, if you enjoyed this don't forget to Vote and Comment. I really appreciate it! As always, this is Star-chan signing off! Peace from the Napoleon Galaxy, my little galaxies.

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