Chapter 17

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"That looks like it's a million levels of unhealthy."

"That's because it is."

"And I'm supposed to allow you to eat it?"

"You're not my father, so yep!"

"I'm not your father, but I'm your baby daddy and I have three lives to worry about."

"You'll have your own life to worry about if you keep me from enjoying this dessert in peace."

"Remind me never to impregnate you again."

"He says knowing damn well he can't resist all of this."

He laughed, shaking his head at me. He was having a chocolate brownie with ice-cream, while I was having a monster bowl of ice-cream with brownie pieces, chocolate and caramel sauces and almond pieces.

We'd spent the perfect day out together.

He'd managed to make me forget about my problems, and I think it was the first time that he was just as relaxed in the longest time. I realized then that the mole thing at his company was really messing with him and he needed a time-out as much as I did.

He took me to all his favourite spots in the city and we took lots of pictures. He pointed out to me that we'd been followed by the press at some point, but that they seemed to leave us alone once they got the photos they needed.

Given the size of my ring, it wouldn't be long before he would have to release a press statement about us and the nature of our relationship.

I loved every moment we spent together because for the first time, it felt like we were truly a couple getting to know each other. We even went to the mall and he ended up buying me anything I thought looked cute.

We even ended up buying me new maternity clothing.

He's super excited about the twins, but he didn't want to start baby shopping as yet. He wanted to buy me clothing first, and then we'd get around to the baby clothing shopping around my third trimester.

He confessed that he'd read up on multiples pregnancies and he was worried about my making it to the third trimester.

The moment I realized that he was actually panicking, I booked an appointment with Dr Martens. He told us that he could schedule us in the following day, which of course worked with our schedule since we were both free for the week.

"Oli?" a new voice joined us.

My fiancé frowned. "Mike?"

"I thought that was you! What are you doing here in the middle of the day?" the man asked, joining us.

Please, go right ahead.

"I'm having lunch with my fiancée, who you would know had you pitched up to my surprise party last night," Olivier replied.

Wait a minute...

"You're Michael?" I asked.

"Yes, I am, and apparently you're the new wifey to be. It's amazing how I'm only finding out about you now," Michael commented.

"As opposed to when? When was the last time we spoke?" my fiancé asked him.

"That's not fair. You know I've been working on some deals," Michael defended.

Olivier raised an eyebrow. "And picking up the phone just to check in with your best friend is so time consuming, and yet you have time to wine and dine a different woman every other night?"

"Alright you two, cool it. I'm trying to enjoy my dessert in peace," I told them both.

"No offence, but this is bigger than your stupid dessert," Michael snapped.

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