Niall Talks About Old Girlfriend

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James: Wow, it is so good to have you here, Niall.

Niall: It's great to be here. How ya doing?

James: I am just absolutely great. Now I wanna talk to you for a second about something I saw yesterday. Yesterday, I was on Instagram just snooping around and I saw a picture of someone that you used to know.

Niall: Really?

James: Yeah. Here, have a look.

James: That's your old girlfriend, Holly, am I correct?

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James: That's your old girlfriend, Holly, am I correct?

Niall: Yes.

James: She recently said that she was at one of your shows. She was at one you did in LA.

Niall: Yeah, she came and saw me after the show ended, and she was all happy and stuff. She told me that she was proud of me and all that Craic. She's a nice girl, she really is.

James: I believe you, I really do. And you two really use to be in love, didn't you? I mean, you two were actually thinking about getting married at one point.

Niall: My mum told you that didn't she?

James: Yes she did.

Niall: *laughs* Well, um yeah so we were together for a long while and you know, we were definitely happy with each other. We started as best friends in school then it kinda became a more romance kind of thing. But then, I went on X Factor. That completely changed everything. So I had to focus on that and she knew that I wanted to focus on that so we ended up breaking up with each other.

James: And look at you now.

Niall: *Laughs* Yeah.

James: But yeah so you guys are definitely still friends though, right?

Niall: Yeah, we still say hi to eachother and talk and stuff. We still keep in touch.

James: That's good. And here's a picture of you two together all those years ago....

 And here's a picture of you two together all those years ago

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Niall: *Laughs*

James: I really Mean it.

James: You looked like you were really in love

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James: You looked like you were really in love.

Niall: Yeah we were happy.

James: That's so sweet. I'm glad you decided to call it quits because first of all, let's be honest, you were too young.

Niall: Excuse me?

James: LOOK AT YOUR TINY FACE!!! I can tell you weren't fully ready to be in a relationship, Horan.

Niall: Okay and how many girlfriends have you had in your life, James?

James: Good point there, good point. So, I'm just so proud of you by the way. I just wanted to say that.

Niall: Thank you so much.

(Okay so not that bad right? Well, now, things start getting a bit more strange. In the next part, James asks Niall things about his personal life. Maybe talks about his nephew, Theo, or about how when he was younger. He was bullied to the point where he wanted to hurt himself. All will be revealed in the next part)

Niall Horan Interviewed By James CordenWhere stories live. Discover now