Niall Talks About Making Love

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James: Alright so I'm glad your whole family is here with us because the next thing I wanna talk to you about, might get a tiny bit embarrassing for you.

Niall: Oh god.

James: Greg, if you don't want your son to hear this, remove him from the stage.

Niall: *Laughs*

James: Niall........what's the best way to have sex?

Niall: *Laughs harder*

Greg: Oh I can't wait to hear this.

Niall: *Tries not to laugh* Umm.....I don't know.

James: Come on Horan!!! TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW!

Niall: Um, probably...well first you gotta do something romantic for that person.

James: Okay like what? Let's say, you have a girlfriend, and you want to show her a whole new world....

Niall: *Laughs*

James: How would you do that?

Niall: I'd probably start by taking her someplace cool for a date or something.

James: Where would you take her?

Niall: Probably Australia because I love going  to Australia, its a place that I am very connected to in my heart and I know if I had a girlfriend, she would love to go there with me.

James: Okay, so you two go to Australia. You have a beautiful day planned out. You go and visit the Sydney Opera House and hang out there for a while. Then, you go and get something to eat and drink with her. You two are very happy and close during this time. You finally get to a hotel or whoever you want this to be and then what?

Greg: Then he goes crazy.

Niall: *Laughs* Will you shut up?

James: C'mon Niall. Give us the dirt.

Niall: I don't know, we'd probably watch a movie or something.


Niall: Dad?

Bobby: You're on your own, laddie. *Laughs*

James: How would you make it really romantic?

Niall: I'd bring her some flowers.

James: Okay? And?

Niall: I don't know.

James: NIALL, you're gonna have to talk about this sooner or later so just discuss it now. You're taking it way too easy. Just say, you'd lay the girl on the bed and take her clothes off!!

Greg: Look, he's sweating. *Laughs*

James: Would you just go for it, Niall? Just right away?

Niall: Well I'd ask her if it was ok first.

James: Niall, let me teach you a little lesson, ok? NO ONE DOES THAT!!! No one follows rules anymore.

Niall: What rules? There are no rules during sex.

James: EXACTLY, because no one follows them anymore.

Greg: Some people make rules, don't they?

James: I don't know, who do I look like? The dude from Fifty Shades Of Grey?

Greg: I'm just saying. Some people make up their own rules.

James: This is about Niall, not you.

Niall: *Laughs*

James: So here's a question. Would you listen to your own music while your making love?

Niall: Probably not.

James: Are you telling me that you would never be having  a romantic moment and you wouldn't turn on Slow Hands?

Niall: It would just be weird.

James: How would it be weird? When it gets to the chorus, you could be starting to sweat. Cuz that's what this song is about, isn't it?

Niall: I don't know what you're talking about.

James: Ohhh I think you do. I want the truth. Is this song about sex?

Niall: I hate you.

James: C'mon, I wanna know. We all wanna know. The proof is in the lyrics.

Niall: There is no full proof, James.

James: YOU WROTE THE BLOODY LYRICS!! Let me take a look at the lyrics. "We should take this back to my place, that's what she said right to my face, cuz I want you bad, yeah I want you baby. Slow hands, like sweat dripping down our dirty laundry." NIALL YOU ARE A LIAR!!!

Niall: I don't lie.

James: Then be honest, this song is about Sex.

Niall: Next question please.

James: *Laughs*

(So now the questions are starting to get a little more interesting. Well don't think that this interview is almost done. James still has a lot more to go and he wants to try and embarrass Niall as much as he can. See what happens next, when Niall's mom talks about him when he was little and sometimes being a bit of a troublemaker)

Niall Horan Interviewed By James CordenWhere stories live. Discover now