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James: Hang on a second......is that....? *Looks into crowd*

Niall: What?

James: I think I see someone.

Maura: Who?

James: I don't know but I can see a........a shadow.

Niall: A shadow? *Confused with what's going on*

James: It's literally just a shadow.

*Shadow disappears*

Niall: What the hell is going on?

*All of a sudden out of nowhere, Louis Tomlinson comes running in*

*All of a sudden out of nowhere, Louis Tomlinson comes running in*

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Niall: HOLY JESUS!! *Laughs*

James: *Smiles*


James: You told me the other day that you miss your bandmates, so I thought I'd give you a little bit of a surprise.

Niall: *Giggles* I hate you all.

James: You should be used to surprises, right?

Niall: The thing is though, you never know when it's gonna happen. It's always unexpected.

James: Well with all do respect, Niall, that's kinda the point of surprises. *Laughs*

Niall: This is the craziest day of my life.

Louis: Get used to it buddy.

Niall: You just love embarrassing me don't you, Tommo?

Louis: Uh YEAH!!

James: Go on, Louis. Have a seat next to Niall's brother, there.

Greg: How are you, Louis?

Louis: I'm good. I'm good.

Niall: Are we really doing this?

James: What do you mean?

Niall: All of us are really sitting here, all cool and stuff, next to Louis who's dressed like freakin Peter Pan?

Louis: WHAT? Don't you like Peter Pan, man? Do you like, have something against people who don't want to grow up?

Niall: No, I'm not saying that I just.....

James: It's not that. He's just afraid if he makes you mad, you'll cut off his hand.

*Everyone laughs*

James: But seriously, you like Peter Pan. People often call you Peter Pan.

Louis: Yes, a lot of my fans do.

James: I think you should start a little organization. Make your own Lost Boys. How about that?

Louis: That would be pretty cool, I think. Yeah.

James: Who would you have join The Lost Boys?

Louis: Probably this little man. *Points to Theo, who's sitting on Niall's lap* I think he'd make a great addition to the gang.

James: Wanna join the Lost Boys, Theo?

Theo: *Nods*

Niall: Who would I be?

Greg: Mr. Smee.


Greg: Theo, you know all the characters. Who would Niall be?

Theo: Slightly.

Niall: I would be Slightly? Ok. Weird name.

Theo: Daddy would be Tootles.

Greg: Tootles? Really?

James: WE HAVE THE LOST BOYS, FOLKS!!! Is that your favorite Disney film? Peter Pan?

Theo: Yeah.

James: Why do you like it so much?

Theo: Because Peter Pan can fly.

James: Louis can fly.

Louis: WHAT?!?!?

James: Yeah, you can fly.

Louis: That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard.

James: *Laughs*

Niall Horan Interviewed By James CordenWhere stories live. Discover now