Niall Talks About Animals

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James: So I heard that you're thinking about getting a dog. Is this true?

Niall: Yes, I wanna settle down with a cute puppy.

James: Why a dog? Why not a Lion?

Niall: *Giggles* That's a question for Harry, not me. Uhh, I don't know I just always loved dogs. They're cute.

James: Yeah cuz I don't know if anyone's heard this yet but Harry Styles has adopted and saved a little Lion Cub from a kill shelter in Africa.

Niall: Yep.

James: And what's his name?

Niall: His name's Jeffrey.

James: And did Harry pick out that name or was it already named that?

Niall: It was actually already named that and Harry loved the name so he stuck with it. Jeffrey's really small by the way. He's really small.

James: Really?

Niall: Like, he will fit in the palm of your hand.

James: Aww that's cute. So have people been telling you what kind of dog to get?

Niall: Yeah I've been told Beagles are always fun but they're pretty crazy and rambunctious.

James: Beagles can be quite good pets though.

Niall: Maybe I wanna get a Spaniel or something. As long as it's not too like, crazy.

James: You don't like crazy dogs?

Niall: I like crazy, but not too crazy. You know, ones that always jump around and cause trouble and that kind of stuff.

James: I can understand that. I totally can. So uh, people are telling me that we gotta wrap it up here.

Niall: Why? I'm having fun.

James: You wanna hangout still? We can do that. *Looks at producer* HE SAYS HE WANTS TO HANG OUT!

Producer: Fine by me.

James: Okay, so what do you wanna talk about? Whatever you want.

Niall: I don't know.

James: Well, is there anything your family wants to share about you?

Theo: *Whispers to Greg*

Greg: *Whispers back*

James: Woah woah, what's going on? Are we sharing secrets here?

Theo: I don't wanna sit with you.

Greg: You don't wanna sit with me?

Theo: I wanna sit with Niall.

Greg: Theo, he's right there beside you.

Theo: I wanna sit on Niall's lap.

Greg: *Looks at Niall* What have you done to my son?

Niall: *Laughs*

James: He just cannot get enough of you, can he?

Niall: No, I guess not.

Greg: He treats Niall better than he treats me. That's just rubbish!!

Niall: Yeah, come here buddy. Let the uncle take over. *Lifts Theo onto his lap*

James: So, anything? Anything you guys wanna discuss with the crowd?

Niall: Uh.......

(So before you go on to the next part, I thought I should mention this. What you are about to witness, is extremely crazy and strange. Well, not really, well, I guess it could be, well, okay I should probably stop saying Well because I sound like the Doctor from Doctor Who. LOL. So yeah, craziness is said to happen in the next part. And if you guys want a little hint, here you go: A familiar friend to Niall is about to burst in on the interview session. So get ready Directioners!!!)

Niall Horan Interviewed By James CordenWhere stories live. Discover now