I Get Asked About Little Bethany

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(Please note, what you are about to read, really did happen to me and it's truthfully hard for me to talk about it so just keep that in mind. Bethany was an amazing person and I'll never forget my time with her. Please show your support as you read what happened to one of my biggest fans of all time. RIP Bethany Summers.)

James: So over the course of the years being in One Direction, you've made a lot of friends with your fans. But one in particular, really made a huge impact on your life.

Niall: *Sighs* Yeah.

James: Please, tell us about Bethany.

Niall: Well, it was during our On The Road Again Tour. We were all backstage with our fans. And this little girl came up to me straight away and hugged me. I was getting to know her and stuff and she told me that her name was Bethany. Bethany's mum told us that Bethany had a rare form of cancer and that she only had a few months to live. So we were all chatting to her and playing games and stuff....

Louis: And here's the funny thing....sorry for interrupting you Ni. But all she wanted, was Niall. She loved all of us so much and she definitely showed it, but when it came to Niall, it was like they were brother and sister. She just felt this kind of friendship connection between her and him. And she stayed backstage with us for hours. We probably pissed some of our fans off because we spent so much time talking to Bethany and not to the rest of them.

James: How old was she?

Niall: She was 9 when we first met her. Yeah, and she was just a sweet girl. I feel like she was best friend, and I even told her that we could be best friends and she said yes. She always came to see us at our shows. We would always give her mum backstage passes to come see us.

James: And I heard you even went to her house a few times.

Niall: Yeah, we all did once then I did again just to say hi and everything. And....at that point, she was struggling. She was definitely struggling. The first time I went to her house, it was with all of us. And she looked fine, just fine. But then when it was just me that visited her the other time, she....*pauses* ...She looked.....well, you could definitely tell she had cancer.

James: Did you see her in the hospital?

Niall: Yeah I did. That was probably shaping up to be one of the saddest days of my life for me.

James: We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. It's up to you.

Niall: *Wiping tear from eye* No, I'm good. So.....I went to go see her at the hospital. She was with all her family and friends. And I'll be honest, before this, I had no idea what I was about to experience. I didn't know that the day I went to see her in the hospital, was the day.......she....*Quietly sobs*

Louis: *Pats Niall's back* Its ok, buddy.

Niall: So....I was sitting next to her and her brother. She had all those wires and stuff hooked up to her. I was trying to make her smile and laugh because she was a little upset. And.......she reached her hand out from across her brother to me. I grabbed it and held it. I tried to give her a little funny face so she'd laugh, and she did. I'll never forget what she was telling her mum at that moment. She was like, "Mum....I'm cold....and I'm tired." I thought she was just you know, sleepy from the medication she was given. I honestly didn't realize that she was literally dying right then and there. And....*puts head down* so then, I was still holding her hand. I told her that I was going to let go of her for a second so I could grab my phone and we were gonna take a selfie together. So I let go of her hand, I reached down in my pocket and took out my phone. My phone was acting slow that day. And she just looked at me and said......*tries not to cry*

Maura: It's ok, sweetie.

Louis: *rubbing Niall's back*

Niall: *Takes Deep breath* She said, "Can we be friends forever?" And.........I......I said, "absolutely." Then.......she......that was it.

James: You were with her when she.....?

Niall: Yeah.

James: Oh my goodness.

Niall: And it's hard for me because I'm not used this. It's not everyday you get to see your biggest fan die right in front of you. And, when you do, it just kills you. You try not to think about it but......it's.....it's just hard.

James: I can understand that. Well I'm very proud of you for talking to us about this. This must have been extremely hard for you to talk about because this is something you've never discussed in public.

Niall: I've never talked about it to anyone. That's why it's so hard.

James: And did you know about this? *Looks at Louis*

Louis: I did. Yeah, he told me about it and we both sat down and discussed it. It was really really tough for me to kind of get him through it because.....I wasn't there, I didn't see what had happened when Niall went to that hospital that day, but he did obviously.

James: And of course you know how it feels kinda.

Louis: I mean, yeah, it's tough. Definitely tough. When I found out that my mum had died, it just all came as a complete shock to me. I was shook, I was very shook. But I knew that I had to help cheer him up a bit, so that's what I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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