1. the audition🏹

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"Next up; 144?" A tall man wearing all black shouts, "Number 144? You have 15 seconds!" He shouts again!

"Oh crap! That's my number!"

I hear a small boy shout, he's wearing a big green T-shirt and beige shorts. I watch him as he scurries along the hard wood floor to get the the audition room.

"4...3...2.-" the man is interrupted by a voice.

"I'm here! I'm here!" The boy shouts.

"Good you're just in time, you would've missed you're chance if you were any later." The man opens the door to let him in, the boy thanks him and the door closed.

I myself am number 156, so there's still a few people to go before it's my turn to audition. I thoroughly read over my lines, repeating them so I don't forget them when it comes to actually reading them out loud. I turn and look at my mom, she looks just as nervous as I do! I cant help but think negative things about this audition, what if I don't get the part? What if my careers over? What if they laugh at my performance? My mind keeps repeating those three questions over and over and over again until my mom taps me on the back. I hear a loud voice shout...

"Number 156? 156, you have 30 seconds!"

I had sat there, not rehearsing for at least 15 minutes just because I was nervous! I quickly grab my glasses and head over to the room. The tall man pushes the door open and tells me to stand on the red line in the middle of the room. For a second, I stand staring at the director of the movie I'm auditioning for. I introduce myself and wave! He waves back and says "I'd like you to read the lines of Richie Tozier, from pages 145 through 155". I quickly open my script to page 145 just so I know where to begin, I close the script and gently place it on the floor.

"Whatever it is... I don't like it" says the woman sitting on a chair in the corner, portraying the part of one of the other characters, "Richie?" She says, in a different voice this time.

I quickly remember my line and I begin to say it out loud!

Not even 5 minutes go by and they've already given me an 80% chance of being cast! I quickly walk out the door thanking them all and waving, just before the man shuts the door I remember that I left my script on the floor, I run back in, slipping, I grab the script and leave again. I can hear the people inside laughing, I hear one person say I was hilarious and I would be perfect for the role of Richie! I ran to my mom and she ask how it was I explain to her on the way back to the car.

We begin to drive to the nearest fast food place, luckily it's McDonalds, my mom asks me one last thing before we go in.

"Finn, do your remember that boy, the one who slipped? Is that him?" She points.

"I think it is." I say looking closer at McDonalds.

My mom suggests I go and talk to him, see how it went. I quickly deny, but i walk in anyway!

I order a cheese burger with no Pickles, a side of fries, and a large Coke. My mom sits down saving us a table, so I can carry the food over when it's ready. She sits on a. Table next to a woman, she looks about the same age as her. I see them begin to speak so I look away. As soon as the foods ready I sit down opposite to my mom handing her, her food from the tray, she thanks me, and continues to speak to the woman next to her.

"Is that your son?" The woman asks, pointing at me politely.

"Indeed it is, this is my son Finn. We've just come from an audition!" My mom replies.

I can't help but roll my eyes at her, she's so embarrassing!

The woman's eyes open as if she's just been given a free meal, "So have I, my son, Jack, he's in the toilet, he won't be long, maybe you two could talk!" She bites into her burger looking away.

I hear the door to the bathroom open, then i see him.

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idk if anyone's gonna read this, but this is the first thing I've ever tried to write in my life, other than school work😂 Incase your not fully understanding what's going on, this is a 'fan fiction' about The Losers (Finn, Jack, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy, Wyatt and Jaeden)! I'm a huge fan and I love them all so I decided to write this! So far Finn has auditioned for the role of Richie and Jack has auditioned for Eddie! I know this is not how it happened, Finn was cast as Richie before stranger things but the director pulled out before production, he was then given the role back before meeting the others❤️ if you have any ideas for more chapters please comment!

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