6. bike scene🌬

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4 months later


My favorite scene so far has to be this one. I love riding the bikes! My bike is called Silver and I'm not sure if the other boys bikes have names. The bike scenes are my favorite because something funny always happens, we crash, someone goes to fast, someone can't catch up. There's so many things that have happened, today alone! Jeremy keeps getting annoyed cause his bike is literally falling apart, the people who made and bought our props gave him a bike that wasn't good at all, the paints chipping, the seats falling off, all sorts of stuff!

"HI YO SILVER AWAY!" I shout, imitating the legendary Jonathan Brandis, who previously played my character, Bill.

All of our stuff and the equipment that isn't being used are underneath a huge canopy! Wyatt and I always go to the canopy to talk to the extras and characters who aren't on screen. One of the people we met when we were there was Nic, Nicholas Hamilton, we didn't realize for about 3 days that he was Australian because his American accent is so convincing! Nic plays Henry Bowers in the movie and some of his scenes are very serious... Wyatt, Nic and I are close friends, Nic always makes fun of Wyatt for his hair and other things and they're always really stupid things, I personally think Wyatt is... Cute. I said it, he's cute, idk if he thinks I am but I really have to say it, he's cute. His hair is beautiful, the curls he looks like a freaking model! His laugh, always makes me laugh and smile, and just being with him makes me happy.


Ugh. My bike is horrible, the seat is angled weirdly so I can't sit down properly! I have to wear this itch red polo shirt for this scene, and the shorts, meh, I guess it's ok. I can't really complain, even though it seems like that's all I do!

"Wyatt! Get yo curly weave over here!" Nic shouted, in his stupid Australian accent, "and you too bald brows!" That's his name for Jaeden.

I cant help but feel like Jaeden and I have a special, 'relationship' shall I say, I think he's really cute but idk how he feels...

Tonight were all going to a hotel and Jack said he's gonna do a live stream while we're there. All jacks been doing since we started this movie is go live! I'm excited tho because I wanna see what some of my 'fans' are up to and what they think about the idea of the movies!

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I HATE THIS CHAPTER, but i just wanted to put something between this and jacks live stream, im gonna base it off the stream in the hotel where jacks tryna kiss finn😂 hope you like this even tho, i really don't. THANKYOU FOR 300 VIEWS AND AND 20 VOTES! also im sorry that this is so short I promise the next one will be longer

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