3. casting????

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Three weeks later.


I grab my phone and my backpack and jump in the car, my moms already in the car, turning the keys. The engine makes a loud roaring sound, it scares me a little... And within seconds we're driving.

I haven't texted Finn since the day we met but I think he might be at the callbacks. He was the perfect Richie.


I throw my suitcase in the boot of the car and climb into the front seat, this time, Nick is with us (my brother) and he sits in the middle seat in the back. He zips open his bag reaching for his Nintendo 3DS, he inserts the game 'Animal Crossing'. Me and my brother used to connect our DS's and play Mario, we don't do stuff like that as much anymore because my moms always taking me to auditions! I love acting, but sometime so miss him. I grab my phone and I see a text. (I'm English so I'm using an English number)

[ Missed call📞: 09867 456733 called you at 3:24 SWIPE to call back. ]

I don't recognise the number so I'm really confused. I ask my brother if he knows it, he just shakes his head and resumes the game. I read out the last 3 digits to my mom to see if she recognises it. She says she doesn't, so I text it back.

I don't know who you are. You have 5 minutes to reply or I'm blocking you.

Within seconds the tiny bubble in the corner pops up with three dark grey circles inside.

09867 456733
It's Jack! From McDonalds and the audition. My mom gave me Finns moms number which turned out to be yours. Sorry to bother you.

I reply

I'm sorry! I didn't notice it was you. It's James Bond. This was my moms phone last month but she gave it to me, she still tells people that this is her number cause she can't remember her new one!

I change Jacks contact to 'Jack'. We continue texting for the next few hours of my drive. This time, the call back is in Canada! Jack has to fly over from the states so it takes him a little longer to reply sometimes. The sat-nav says that there's only a 2 hour drive till we arrive to our destination.

2 hours later


There's still about 40 minutes until we arrive at the call backs, they've been moved from the states to Canada this time because that's where one of the producers live. I text Finn a while after we land to tell him that we're getting close. By now, he has already arrive but he's waiting outside for me with his mom and his brother.

Hey dude were like 35 mins away now meet outside?

kAyyyy, im wearing a striped t shirt with blue shorts you'll probably see the shorts before you see me😂😂


I'm clearly not as funny as Finn but I try. I can't wait to see him again it's been sooo long, this is only the second time we're meeting but I feel like after the text conversations we've had today, we've been friends for ever!

sooo this is part 3, this has like 16 views, YES LAD. soo if you didn't read properly, i'm english and idk how to do american shizzle. so i used an english phone number, soz if it's yours i didn't try😂 i am gonna bring the other losers in soon i have AN IDEA UP ME SLEEVIES.

losers | fack, jyatt Where stories live. Discover now