7. live stream🗻

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this is written half script half third person!

Wyatt: IM GAY!

Jack: Aye were live now! Woohoo!

Jaeden: Oh god, you spit all over me.

Finn: Dude flip the camera around.

Jack: How?

Finn yawns, he takes Jack's phone and flips the camera around, before passing the phone back to him.

Jack: maaAAYONNAISE! "Say hi to y/n!" HEY!

Finn: How are you jack? Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack.

Jack: "where's Wyatt?"

Jack turns the camera to point him.

Finn: Right here.

Jaeden: Nics uhhh not here.

Jack: Jaedens being a nnNnibDin. "Say hi to f/n!" HI! "Thank you so much"


Jack: No. They don't.

Finn: Yo bRoooOos!

Jeremy: "Tell us a story?!" Well Jacks really good at that!

Jack: Okay, I'm the best. Okay, let's all go around in a circle.

Jeremy: WAIT! What kinda story tho?

Jack: It doesn't matter...

Finn: doesn't matter any story.

Jaeden: hi everyone.

Jack *whisper*: "fuck me" are you insane? Okay, once upon a time there was a... little, craaanberry, Mkay. What are you doing right now?

Jaeden: Hold on! I just wanna watch tv, leave me alone.

Jack: i was on a cranberry. Telling a story to my little grandad! His name was teeny WEeeeEe. I'm sorry. "Finn eat a banana" you're such a pretty, pervert. "Leave Jaeden alone" HUHHHH?

Jeremy: He just called you bieber, #jackdylangrazerroasted2016!

Finn: There once was.. okay I'm ready to tell a story, ready, 3, 2, 1. Uhhh... one big-

Jeremy: Five little baby rabbits floating down a creek- and- one- five-

Finn: STHAP IT! "Finn roast jack", hey jack you... are a beautiful boy and seven.

Jack: aye guess what.

Jack takes the phone away from Finn.

Jack: Finn looks like Myles Keller with a bad tooth implant amirite ladies? BooBooDaBooBooBOooo.

Finn: Jack looks like Fred Savage, that's it.

Jack: Fred Savage is gorgeous, are you insane? How gorgeous am I?!

Finn: Just ask questions.

Jack: "where's my baby Jaeden" baby Jaeden is being a lil' wee-a-boo. "How's filing?" Filming is great.



Jack turns the camera to point jermey who is sitting to his left.

Jack: favorite 80's movie? Okay, Ferris Bueller's Day Off!

Finn: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sixteen Candles, E.T.

Jeremy: "Have you ever been to Australia" Nooo, but Nic-holas hamilton has.

Finn: "who's a bigger meme? Wyatt or Finn" WYATT, cause wyatt.

Jack: Wyatt

Jeremy: Wyatt cause he's the meme lord.

Jack pushed his hat back letting a bit of his hair slip out.

Jack: That's cool! No it isn't.

He pulls his hat back over his hair. Finn leans over Jaeden to look at the live stream.

Finn: what's up!

Jack: "do u like gorillas"

Finn: I'm in grade nine *answering a question*

Jack: I HAVE A CHALLENGE! Okay, this is a challenge, how 'bout this. No one type anything for 5 seconds. 321GO!


Jack: "Hi Carly!" I kNow yOu sEE somEHow the WOrld wiLL chANge foR ME anD-

Finn&Jack&Jeremy: bE so WONDERFUL!


Jack: that's my favourite song!

Jeremy: Live life, breathe air, asdfs asdfghjkl serrrrrr, and.

Jeremy stops singing because he realises that he doesn't actually know the words...

Jack: Okay, here's my opinion, I think Finn Wolfhard is a fad and its gonna be over soon, so don't, no need to worry, Okay, Jack, scales for life, scales for life.

Finn *singing*: sCalES 4 LYfe!

Jeremy: SCalES!


Jack: I love how, when we talk about scales, no one knows what we're talking about.

Finn shows his phone to the live stream, it's a tweet of one of his instagram vines. Jack smiles.

Jack: #roasted.

Jack looks at Finn and whispers.

Jack: that's actually really funny...


Jack: Uh, okay, let's play truth or dare.

To be continued...

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omfg thank you so much for 300+ views! WTF THIS IS SO CLOSE TO 400 VIEWS! i kinda like this sort of writing cause i'm lazy as fooook, + i'm very unoriginal. my funny shirt arrived just in time for my birthday so i'm in such a good mood atm! thank you for reading

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