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November 2, 2015

Carmella's P.O.V.

I was closing in on my submission just about to lock in my dragon sleeper when Corey hopped on the apron.

What was he doing here? I told him to refrain himself from my presence and here he is interfering with my match

"What are you doing?!" I yelled loosening my grip at the sight of the man with tattoos on his arms.

He chuckled viscously, it gave me chills. Charlotte grabbed my hair from its root and pulled me over her shoulder slamming me onto the mat, I winced in pain. While Corey distracted the ref letting Charlotte do a knee to my back.

I felt a stinging pain go up my spine. I put pressure from my hand on it to try and make it go away but it wasn't doing any good.

Charlotte crawled for a pin putting her forearm on my chest and lifted my leg. I wanted to kick out but my mind was on the pain, how real it was. I tried to take my mind away but it was so focused on the stinging of my spine, it felt like a knife had been shot into my back.




I rolled out of the ring, stunned and angry. This was supposed to be my justice from all the tour meant the BFF's had laid down on me verbally, but Corey had to ruin it.

I walked up the ramp the NXT Universe silent as I walked backstage with a total of zero pride in me.

I stomped down the halls in search for Corey. This man had managed to get on my last nerve and I'm putting a stop to him before he costs me my Women's Championship tournament match next week.

"Where's Corey?" I stopped my search to ask former friend of Corey and current NXT Champion Adrienne Neville "I could care less where he is" Adrienne snarled and continued walking.

I guess everyone's got a beef with Corey.

I sighed and looked in the place I never looked yet. I poked my head into the catering area in hopes to see him in there feeding his ego.

Sure e enough there he was sitting down with a smug look on his face eating away at a cream pie texting.

I walked in and glanced at the tables for something I can throw at him, there were a selection of breads I grabbed a bun off the catering table and whipped it at him, hitting his face.

"What the hell?" He growled picking up the bun off his chest and threw it back at me, I swerved it making him angrier.

"Your an asshole you know that" I growled looking at my nails. His face loosened up and he chuckled.

"Carmella, your cute. You think I don't know that already?" He grinned standing up to be at the same length as me.

I grabbed another bun and whipped it at him "You costed me my match! I should kill you Graves!" I gritted my teeth. He chuckled looking down at the bun that hit his chest.

He pushed me against the wall, pressing his body against mine to keep me from moving. No one was in the catering area, they were all watching the main event in the stage area. He could slap me and no one would be here to stop him but me.

"You think it's not payback for that slap!" He whispered in my ear. His hot breath leaving chills down my spine.

I shoved him off "Your gonna leave me alone. Capiche? If you don't I will have it so there's no Championship matches in your future" I threatened with an evil grin and walked past him only to hear a growl.

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