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November 21st, 2015

Carmella's P.O.V

I had been all geared up for my Divas Championship match against Paige, tonight I was at my best. I was sure I'd be champ tonight I know it.

The Bellas had been talking to me yapping about how they like me better and not Paige, how I should be Champion and show them how a real Diva is since they can't get the title because Total Divas. I rolled my eyes but they didn't seem to notice.

"I'm gonna go get ready" I walked in the other direction. I rolled my eyes again as I walked off. Fake chicks now a days.

My ear was ringing from the loud volume of the crowd. I continued to walk, walking by an empty personal locker room. There were a few little girl laughs which made me very curious.

I opened the door quietly to look in to see Corey sitting in front of a computer. I creeped in a bit "Daddy when are you coming home?" Said a soft high pitched tone "Yeah Dad we miss you, are you gonna make it to my practice Daddy?" followed another older tone. Little girls? And Corey.

"6 sleeps" he held up six fingers.

Corey? And kids? I was surprised, he never seemed like the father type but you learn something new everyday.

My heart started to melt, his daughters seemed really happy to be talking to him, Corey the tough guy with tattoos was ever a father figure and is good one at that, shocking.

"We love you Daddy" said the two little girls, he waved to the screen and closed it.

I cleared my throat making him twitch "Oh didn't hear you Leah" he stood up.

"You have daughters?" I asked walking closer.

He scratched his neck "uh, yeah, don't get to see them that much like once a month, I'm lucky actually I get to see them"

His gaze went off and a grin was stuck to his face.

"Cute" I said placing my hands on my hips.

"Something you wanted Carmella?" He asked "oh yeah help me with my stretches" he nodded and ran at me, I let out a squeel as he placed me on his shoulders running me down the hall with him.

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He was looking at me weird "Don't look at me with that mug Graves" I jokingly said he chuckled.

"Don't diss I might cost your match Van Dale" he grinned his famous cheeky grin.

Sometimes I wanted to punch that sweet grin but other times..

"Leah!" I looked to see Punk coming unimpressed stomping over.

I went up to him with a smile "Can we talk?" He glared over to Corey who stood there awkwardly.

"Uh yeah gotta hurry tho cos my match is next capiche?" I clapped my hands together and pointed at the time.

He led me off "I don't want you talking to Graves, I hurt my wris and am not allowed to fight this match tonight, I want you to leave Graves alone!" He cut to the chase, I rolled my eyes. Hpw cute CM Punk is jealous.

"Okay, okay Punk I got it" a coworker gave the signal, I took one look at an unimpressed Punk, I gave him a peck.

"Lighten up Punk" I winked and walked off with a nod to Corey.

I heard a lil growl from Punk "yeah yeah I got it capiche" I passed the curtain snapping a finger.

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