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November, 9th. 2015

Carmella's P.O.V

I laid in my bed in my black lulu lemon shorts and a plain white v-neck. I couldn't get Corey out of my mind. Does he really care?

I couldn't get him out of my mind his quirky side smile and his mossy green eyes along with his beautiful tattoos. I want to hold his hand and carress his tattoo on his knuckles "Stay Down". My eyes just stared at the dark ceiling and thought, thought about how much I like Corey, how he won my heart.

I pulled out my phone and texted Corey.

Heey, This is Carmella.

I rested my phone down on the sheets and turned on my side putting my hands under my pillow. My phone beeped making my heart skip a beat. I stared down at the lit screen "Corey has sent you a message"

I slid the lock and the screen turned bright revealing the new message from Corey.

Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling?

My heart skipped another 2 beats and I formed butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

I'm feeling good, you should call me.

I sent it feeling proud. 3 seconds passed and a checkmark came about right under Corey's name signalling that Corey has seen it.

A few seconds later my phone lit up and the ringer played I picked up my phone and pressed Answer.

"Hello?" I asked softly.

"Hey Beautiful" I heard the sexy voice of Corey say.

I smiled "What's up?" I asked.

"Just got a message from John Layfield that I'm getting a Number One Contender match with Adam Rose for the NXT Championship how about you pretty lady" he asked.

"I am laying in bed texting" I replied "The boring life I have" I stated making him chuckle.

"You seem pretty interesting to me" he replied, I could imagine his priceless grin on his face.


When I woke up I smiled remembering me and Corey's 3 hour conversation.

I slid out of bed getting a text from Eva, I checked and it said I have to go to the arena early to speak with Stephanie McMahon.

I changed into some black heels, black leggings, and a white crop top vneck. I quickly curled my hair and put on a black headband with a bow on it.

Since me and Bayley are now friends I promised her I'd wear a bow.

Corey's P.O.V

I stood talking to Vinnie from Total Divas when someone taps on my shoulder. I turn to see Carmella and her big smile.

"Hey Corey" she said staring at me.

"Hey, I was just about to get ready for my match I gotta go" I said and walked past her.

"Okay... see you later" she said, I looked back and she was waving.

It's my match soon and I don't know what's with Carmella, she's being weird and texting me and we even talked for a long time last night. She's really cool but I just wonder what her motive is considering it was a couple days ago that she hated my guts.

I looked at the monitor seeing Carmella's face lighting up the scream as they recorded the unedited version of the show.

I watched closely to hear her promo.

Carmella's P.O.V

I stood in the ring doing my segment.

"NXT Universe, I am your NXT Women's Champion!" I yelled looking to the small roaring crowd.

"#Capiche! #Capiche! #Capiche!" the crowd chanted.

I waited for the crowd to become quiet.

"Tonight, I am out here to announce that I am issuing an open challenge to battle for my Title. It will be a No Disqualification Match!" I smirked.

"It doesn't include FORMER! Women's Champions" I winked to the camera hinting that Paige can't come back out "It can't be a newbie either" I hinted to Dana.

"So let's get a referee down here and bring me a Diva to compete!" I ordered. A ref came running down to the ring and next thing I know I hear Emma's theme song. I clapped for Emma as she did her "Emmalution" dance coming to the ring. I like Emma she has so much potential and II'm glad I'm dropping my title to her.

We rehearsed it and it should end up fast and easy.

The bell rung signalling the match to start "Remember how we rehearsed" I gritted my teeth to Emma who nodded.

I kicked Emma in the abdomen making her groan. I wrapped my fingers tightly around her wrist using my strength to throw her at the ropes. She bounced off and I hit a clothesline.

Dana came out a she was supposed to jumping on the apron.

"YOU ARE NOT WINNING THIS TITLE YOU DON'T DESERVE THAT TITLE!" she screamed making me get distracted.

I glared at Dana pushing her off the apron. Emma grabbed my legs making me fall hitting my mouth on the mat.

Emma got me in a roll up.




Emma slapped the mat in frustration. I made it back to my feet and went behind Emma. I locked in a standing dragon sleeper with full body scissors.

Emma moaned in pain and tried to pull my arm off, My grip was too tight. Emma was slowly making it to the rope.

I could see her finger tips getting closer to the rope, I used my free hand to stop it she groaned louder. Taking another step getting the rope.

I broke the hold Emma turned to me grabbing my legs and pulling me down making me slam my head on the mat.

I got squirmed Emma turning me around and setting me up for the EmmaLock. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and the pain came almost immediately.

I tapped my hand over and over.

"You tapped out! You tapped out!" the crowd cheered making my headache even worse.

I rolled out of the ring and grabbed onto a mic from the stage crew. I stepped over Dana and kicked her.

"This isn't the last Emma!" I growled throwing the mic down and running off in embarrassment.

When I got behind the curtain Emma came behind me, I turned around giving her a hug.

"Thanks for giving me something to be proud of" Emma said sniffling and letting her tears run down her cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around the shorter women "No problem" I said and smiled.

"I'm gonna go look for Corey bye" I waved and walked around noticing Corey.

"Hia" I smiled. He looked up and kept stretching Tyson Kidd beside him.

I sighed when he didn't look up "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing I just don't need distractions leave me alone okay this is a big part of my career" he snapped. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces.


It's not that long but it's decent.

But Carmella chasing Corey's affections and he turns her down.

Carmella drops the title to Emma.

I hope you guys comment cuz it means the world to me. Maybe even a vote.

I am still sick so it takes me awhile to write.


Lissi is out.

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