1. Intro, Riley

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Where's my locker?


Is this the right class?

Where's my seat?

Hello, my name is Anika. I'm 13 and I'm perfectly normal.

Anika Bell.

Yes, i'm mute. Duh.

Why? Sorry, I don't want to tell you.

I just moved here.

ON-i-ka. Not ANN-ick-a.



Hi Riley.

Your outfit looks pretty.


Cool, we have ELA, science, and orchestra together.

I moved here from the country.

I live with my aunt.

I'm an orphan.

My mom died after I was born.

My dad? He-he died a few weeks ago.

I'm fine.

Well, old habits, like stammering, are hard to break. You see, I only became mute a few days ago, after I moved in.

See you in science.


Excuse me. Where's science class?

Hi! Riley!

Social studies was just rules, but it's only the first day. Next week we actually start learning

Well, i only use this notebook for conversations and such. Answers to questions are in my notebooks for my classes.

Yeah, you're the only person I've really talked to. You're nice to me. Everyone else walks away.





Riley, hi. What are you going to be? a violin? Cool!

I want to be a violin too, I think.

I'm new here.

Finally, activities. I feel like i'm drowning in rules and restrictions.

Say and play?

No, sorry, I can't.


thank you. for that.

that was really nice, to stand up to the teacher like that. 

Hello, my name is anikaWhere stories live. Discover now