8. Asking

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Hi Riley!

It's getting really cold out. Soon it's going to start snowing.

Riley? Earth to Riley.

Yes! I can totally come over sometime. Thank you. That will be awesome.

So, when?

That's great! I just have to check with my aunt.

What's your number?


Thanks, see you!



Aunt M? Hi.

Can... can I ask you something.

So my friend-

Please let me continue.

My friend Riley wants me to come over.

You get to get rid of me for a couple hours? Isn't that a reason to let me go? I can walk there myself.

Ok, thanks!

Can I use your phone to call her?

Ok. I'll go rake the leaves.

(google translate script)

Hi Riley!

I can talk because i'm using google translate's speaker to "talk" for me. it might sound a little weird.

Anyway, yeah, I can go! What's your address?

I'd better leave, my aunt didn't specifically say I could use it. I'm going to return it to her purse bye!

Hi, I just forgot my hat. I'll be right back out.

Yes! I finally pulled something off!

I'm not stupid. I know she hates me, so I bribed her.

I defied her.

Maybe, one day, I'll get the courage to defy her completely.

But she was nice to me today. She let me go.

I'm doing something that isn't going to school, reading, or writing to you.

I'm happy.

Im happy for the first time since I came here. 

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