17. Awakening

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Hello? Anyone?

Hi. What-what happened?

Just because I'm mute doesn't mean I'm deaf.

So, what happened to me?

How do I have a deadly fungus in my throat? That usually means the person is dead.

Wait... how can I be immune to it? I fainted.

Oh. It suffocated me. That makes sense, and-

Riley hi!

What happened after the letter.

So, basically you just told the doctors everything you knew and they looked to see if I had a thing stuck in my throat. That should be the first thing they do.

They sent the spore sample to a myologist?

Oh. mycologist.

yee. I'm a cool mutant immune person! Still didn't stop me from almost dying though.

I literally don't remember anything after the pacer test. these replies are insane, literally.

Don't guilt-trip yourself. I'm alive, right?

See, I don't even need a breathing thing, I'm fine.

I'm just glad you're safe. It would have been horrible if I had given you my thing with all the coughing and stuff.

... so can I like, go? What did they do anyway?

Okay, it's a little strange to think of that.

Oh yeah. Does my aunt know?

She has to be here for me to leave, and she doesn't even know that I'm here.

Yeah, you're right. I have to rise up, I have the right to, becuase this is a place where "even orphan immigrants can leave their fingerprints and rise up."

I have to get out of her clutches, but what next?

... Riley?

Thanks. For everything.

Mom? Dad? I'm ready now.

Riley's given me the courage. 

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