18. Snapping

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H-hi! Aunt M!

So you're here to take me back?

Um, great!

The same reason my parents died.

apparently... I have a poisonous mushroom in my throat that I'm immune to.

The reason I collapsed is because you made me wear that mask. I'm not putting on that... torture dref---------

Don't take my notebook away from me!

Because it's my notebook.

Let me rephrase: you can't because it's mine, and you have no right to force me to suffocate, to scorn me, to house me.

But most of all, you have no right to take away my notebook. My notebook is everything to me, everything, my voice, my diary, my desperate hope to get out of here, and you can't just strip that away without a thought.

"You feed me, clothe me?" Only after I work away raking, shoveling, doing all the chores so you can relax.

You want to know who I've become, who I am? Anika. My name is Anika.

I'm not a Bell to be rung at your beck and call.

At least not anymore.


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