12. Trust

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Hi Riley!

On the top of the page? It's-it's nothing

I'm serious, it has absolutely nothing to do with my aunt. Ive been doing it since I was like 5. I've never told anyone.

Sorry. I trust you, I really do. But this... this would be like giving my soul to you, because the only way to explain is to let you read everything i've written. Everything in this notebook, and every letter I brought to my aunt's house.

Shoot. Shouldn't have said that!

I promise to trust you completely one day. I promise. One day I'll come over with a giant stack of letters and you can read everything.

Thank you. I trust you too.


Is everything okay with you? Ive been so caught up with my troubles i never asked, im sorry.

ok. that's good. I need you.

thank you. I'll be there for you when you need it.


Hi again.

The holidays are tomorrow.

No, I'm not worried about them. It'll come with time. In the meantime, might as well enjoy no homework or stress.

Things are good for now. We're in feet of snow and I can always run into the backyard and live in a treehouse there if I want.

Or just make a snowman.

Of course it's not best case scenario. We keep surviving though.

Speaking of which I need to find some books for the holidays.

Yeah, that might include, y'know, ditching my aunt and going to the library.

Where is it, by the way ?

Meet you there. 

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