14. Christmas Eve

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Hi. What are we having for breakfast?

I'm reading.

I just have a little cough.

I'm fine, don't worry about getting sick. I have my mask. Good night.

She'll be fine. I'm not, though.


Fine. Can I have a glass of water, please?

Okay. I'm still reading.

Great. Apparently "miming is for the circus." I tried to ask for water in sign language-not miming- and she reprimands me.

Well, it's been a week. I think Aunt M left the house, I'm not sure. I've been lost in a whirl of reading.

I've formed a sort of nest-like lump of the pillows, blankets, and mattress on the floor.

Reading is my escape after the dishes and endless, endless shoveling. Well, at least it's exercise.



Merry Christmas too. Well, almost.

Great, Um.. see you later, I guess.

Wait! When will you be back?


Well, that went well. I went to to the library. but, it's Christmas eve, so... yeah, it's not open. I dumped my books in the return slot anyway.

It's kind of scary here, now that it's getting a little dark.

Okay, I'm running home.

I'm back. I pulled it off! I went to the library and she didn't even know!

The view out the window is amazing today. I want to draw it. Maybe I'll get a new notebook for Christmas.

...If i get anything at all.


Hi! Merry Christmas!


I made something for you.

do you like it? it's a drawing of the house.

... thanks?

Yeah, yeah, its fine.

Im going to go read.

Okay then. If you want i'll stay here.

Cool! christmas music? sure.

I'm kind of getting tired.

i-can i please go to my room?

Well, that day was exhausting and strange.

But also sort of fun, I guess.

My aunt was actually acting like she cared about me.

Well, that's a first.

We watched Elf, which is... good i guess? the movie was weird and the circumstances were even weirder.

Dad, I remember all the times with you. We laughed and talked and watched Rudolph.

Those times were amazing. They were when I was happy.

I'm going to reread my christmas letters.

I want to share them with Riley.

I will.

I will. Now's the time. 

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