Should I Quit?

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The next day, it's weekend. The boys were thinking to go out for a walk. It's been so long since they go for a walk together. "Should we ask Hana noona to come with us? She must be bored at home alone right?" said Chanie. "Then let me ask her" said Junhui. He went out to Hana's room. *knock knock* "Hana yah. Do you have any plan today?" Junhui knocked the door. No response. He try again. "Hana yah, we're planning to go to Han River for a walk". This time he try to open the door. He looks around. Empty. Hana is not there.

~Hmm, where did she went? Does she has any class today? Its holiday anyway.

Junhui went back to the hall. "Noona is not in her room. Probably she got class today or study with her friends?". "'s not fun. Gwaenchahna, let's go with our hyung" said Mingyu

Hana is sitting at the chair at Myeongdo Park. She keeps thinking what Jeonghan said to her yesterday. "Should I quit? But I need the money to pay my fees. How am I gonna work if he is like that? I don't wanna leave either. I'm gonna miss the kids. They're so nice. but he doesn't seems like he mean it anyway. But..... His eyes really looks like he mean it. Why would he? I just met him. I just bump?? I just breathe literally... Ahh it's not that hard to find a job this days. I just need some time" she's mumbling to herself. Didn't know what she should do. Been thinking why would Jeonghan say such thing, why'd he hate her so much. A lot of things running in her head. Its not even a sin when she didn't know Jeonghan was there. "Or is he a GAY??!  Thats why he dont like me huh?" Dang Hana.. you're weird.

It's 9.00pm. The boys already come back from their walk. Noisy as usual. "Hyung how can you ride too fast. Leave me behind. I was so tired to catch you and the others" Seokmin mumbling as soon as Seungcheol open the door. He was mumbling to Jisoo. Jisoo likes to ride a bike whenever they have free times. There's a bicycle ride service in Han River. So they always rent a bicycle and ride together. But Jisoo always go fast and leave the others. "What are you talking about, I was there waiting for you with Mingyu" said Myeongho. He knows that Seokmin can't keep with the pace. So he always wait for him. What a kind brother.

"Ahh baegobpa (I'm hungry). Let's take a look what Hana cook for us. Hihihi" Soonyoung goes to the kitchen and take a look at the table. "Ohh!?? There's nothing here. Why didn't she cook for us. She's been gone since morning. No breakfast. She must've been home right?" Soonyoung goes straight to Hana's room. Open the door. It's still the same as this morning when Junhui came into her room. "Heol, she's not in her room. Is she running away??" Soonyoung said while looking at the members. With his cute innocence face and squisy checks. Pouting. Seungcheol feels weird. He looked at Jeonghan slightly, trying to give Jeonghan that suspicious look. Jeonghan look at him, and then looked away. He feel a bit guilty.

~Is it because of me. It can't be. My words is not that harsh to her. I was saying the right thing. She doesn't belong here. Plus I'm too carried away with my feelings.. But what if she really did run because of me. Ahhh what an annoying feeling...

The boys starting to feel worried. Among of the maid that they've been hired. Hana's is the most they comfortable with. Hana cooks well for them and sometimes Hana play games with them too. Hana know what they need even when they don't say it. No one can do the same like Hana.

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