Are We Gonna Be Okay?

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The next morning Hana go out from her room as usual to clean up everything. As usual the boys make a mess at the hall. With their clothes and sock all over and leftover food on the table. She clean it up all with her swollen eyes. She unable to sleep last night. She cried for how many hours she herself didn't remember. How her heart feel pain so much, thinking Jeonghan will leave her. Hence Jeonghan didn't tell her when. She also didn't see Jeonghan packing his stuff and all. After cleaning she make a hangover soup for Jeonghan a cup of honey tea. Put it on the table and went straight to Jeonghan's room. She knocked the door and open it. She knows how many times she knocks they boys wont open the door as they wont hear anything when they're sleep. Hana quietly walk to Jeonghan's bed and kneel in front beside him. Jeonghan's sleep like a baby with his hands as his pillow and use his blanket to cover half of his body. He didn't stand the cold so the others have to lower it down. She looks at him sadly and pats his head. Suddenly a tears coming out from Jeonghan's eyes. It makes Hana more hurt. Even in his sleep he cry, how much does her words hurt him yesterday? She couldn't bare looking at it so she quickly wake him up with her soft voice and soft touch.

"Han-ah ireona~~ I make soup and tea for you" says Hana and she quickly wipe her tears. She afraid Jeonghan would see her crying. Jeonghan didn't move at all and still sleep. He must be so tired and dizzy because of the alcohol. Hana try to wake him up again and Jeonghan still asleep. She just about to go out, she assume that Jeonghan might don't want to see her. As she wants to stand up Jeonghan takes her hands and make her kneel back beside him. Jeonghan kiss her hand and put it at his side face. Hana stay still on her spot and try to take her hand back slowly but Jeonghan holds it tighter. "Kajima~ stay here for a while. You've hurt me so much yesterday aren't you feel bad?" says Jeonghan and he slowly open his eyes to look at her. Hana couldn't hold her tears and she let it out. She quickly wipe her tears. "I have to go, I didn't wake the boys yet, they have school today. Hansol and Seungkwan have test, Myeongho Mingyu and Seokmin has soccer training" she replied. "You still care about them in time like this. I'm just nobody to you I guess" he slowly let her hand go and look at her face. She's the most beautiful woman he'd ever met. He feels so glad that he meet her but how he wish he could turn back the time and found her earlier. Her tears fall again and she couldn't say anything because she feels something stuck in her throat and that makes her heart feel more ache. "I made a soup and tea for your hangover, eat it and take a rest" Hana said with her brittle voice and she quickly stand up and wipe her tears again. She went and closed the door. Her heart feel so heavy and she's having a hard time breathing. She leans herself to the door and cry again. She didn't know how much she cried since yesterday. Her eyes feel so tired and sleepy. She finally realized that she love Jeonghan so much. She didn't know how it happened she didn't know when did her heart accept Jeonghan but she knows one thing. That she's gonna lose Jeonghan now. Jeonghan cry again and pull his blanket cover his body. He knew Hana love her and he also knew he got to leave her very soon.

Thinking that she's coming to the house for work. She continued her work and wakes the boys up. She already hear a water sounds coming from Soonyoung's room. That must be Myeongho. He always wakes up early than the others. He said its easy this way because the boys always fighting over who should bath first. She enter the room to wakes Hansol but he already awake, playing with his phone. "Oh? Hansol-ah ireonasseo? (You wake up already?" she whispered to Hansol. "Oh I have. Hey why is your eyes like that? You didn't sleep last night noona?" Hansol ask because Hana's eyes was so swollen. "Ah yes I read some books last night" pretending to be okay. She smiled and went out from the room. While she went out and close the door, Jeonghan coming out from his room and their eyes meet. Jeonghan just realized that Hana's eyes was so swallen and she looks really tired. He didn't see it in his room just now because it was so dark. Hana quickly turns around and walk to her room. Jeonghan try to ignore her and go to the kitchen to eat his hangover soup. How many times he try to ignore his heart hurt so much. Thinking Hana must be suffering too but he still confused.

"Did she really love me?"

The boys and Hana went to school already and the elders went to work. It just Seungcheol and Jeonghan in the house. Jeonghan has been sitting in the kitchen for an hour looking down at the table and Seungcheol came sits in front of him. He looks pitiful and Seungcheol know something's wrong with him and Hana. Or else Hana wouldn't cried so much last night. "Are you okay?" Seungcheol kicked Jeonghan's leg and take a cup of warm water. "Hm~ I'm fine" Jeonghan smile at him. "Ahh did I curse at you again last night? I think I saw you here while I closed the door" he continued. "Nope ! But you cried. So much. While grabbing your heart" Seungcheol said it with his flat tone voice. He wish Jeonghan could at least share his burden with him. Jeonghan always hide whenever he feels bad. He will only shares his happy moments because he wants his brothers to feel his happiness too. "I get the job" said Jeonghan while smiling to Seungcheol. "That job you've been waiting for 4 years?!!! That job in Spain?!! Really?!! Are you serious?!!" Seungcheol sounds so happy because he knows Jeonghan wait for that job for too long and now he gets it. How happy he was because he didn't expect this news coming this morning. Jeonghan laugh and nodded his head. Seungcheol suddenly stop laughing and turn to a serious face again. "So this is was all about last night? This is why you cried? You're gonna leave her for 2 years aren't you? That's why she cried so much last night. No wonder" said Seungcheol while knock his head. Jeonghan look down again. Facing the table. He heard everything last night. Even Hana's whimpering. He know if he didn't tell Hana about this, the answer is gonna be 'yes'. He knows Hana love him too. But he just not sure about it yet. "What are you going to do, did they know already?" Seungcheol ask. He worried about the kids. Especially Seokmin. Seokmin would cry at the airport and he can guarantee it. "I'll tell them tonight. I'll be leaving in 2 days. Hahaha it must be so hard for them. Seokmin hahaha" Jeonghan try to chill himself. While his head was always thinking about Hana. Thinking what would she feel. "It must he hard for her too. Himnae (be strong) work hard and comeback in 2 years and marry her. She'll be waiting for you trust me. Don't worry about the kids, they have her." Seungcheol pats Jeonghan's shoulder and take his cup to the hall.

"Will she wait? No. Can she wait for me? 2 years is a long time period. What if when I comeback she's with someone else?"

Jeonghan leans on the chair and look at his phone. There's a few photos of Hana he took yesterday.

"You're beautiful, how can someone be so beautiful without even trying?"

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