Chapter 3

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Fionna pov

"Hi baby cakes."

I woke up to Cake sitting on my stomach. 

"Hey Cake when did you get back." 

"Oh just a few minutes ago."

I pushed my feline sister off my stomach and sat up "How are the babies."

"There great. You should of seen it Cake jr. fought his first monster."

"Cool but wasn't he only four last time I saw him?"

"Rainacorn Babies age rapidly so he's like eight now. Gave him his first sword and everything. The look on his face was so precious when I gave it to him."

I smiled a little at that and couldn't help but think of how happy I was when I got my first sword. my reminiscing was interrupted by my stomach growling though.

"Hey Cake I'm gonna go make some bacon pancakes. You want any?"

"Next to the everything burrito their like my favorite food of course I want some hun."

I went down stairs got everything we needed and started making the fluffy cakes. I kind of wondered what we were gonna do today though. 

"Hey cake what do wanna do today?"

"I don't know we could go the candy kingdom see if they need help with anything."

I handed her a plate of the delicious smelling pancakes.

"I kind of wanted to go on a Adventure but we probably should check on them."

  I tried to suppress a sigh sometimes Gumballs missions could be boring. Because sometimes it felt like he just uses my help to get his royal chores done so he didn't have to stop doing whatever he was currently doing. I mean some of them were fun at times but I had got to many can you go and pick a dozen begonias or get me this rare milk because he wanted to try out a new cake recipe.

I grabbed my bag and sword and went outside. Cake stretched all big and put me on her back and we were off.


We got to the castle and found Gumball.

"Hey Gumball."

"Hey Fionna I'm so glad you decided to come today. Their have been reports of an evil bear terrorizing people near the woods a little outside the candy kingdom."

"Ok Ill take care of it bye gumball."

We left the candy kingdom and were looking for signs of this evil bear. We had found a few broken branches and some claw marks on a few different trees but hadn't really found much so far. We continued our search till we heard a scream in the distance. I ran towards the noise and saw a candy person pinned up in a tree with the bear clawing at the trees base.  I drew my sword and managed to land a hit on the beast while it attention was on the candy person. It yelped in pain and started running off.

"Cake help her back to the candy kingdom I'm gonna go after the bear."

"Alright be careful Fionna."

"Its just a bear ill be fine." I said then ran after it. "Besides I wouldn't let something like this get the best of me." I yelled back at her as I continued to chase it.

Marshall pov

I was just chillin in the forest playing my axe bass. It was a pretty normal day till I heard someone scream. I followed the noise and when I got a little closer I heard Fionna yell I wouldn't let something like this get the best of me. So slightly intrigued I decided to follow her and the trail of blood from a distance because I really had nothing better to do. There was also the fact that she might get mad at me for taking away her fun if I did something to help.

Besides there was only one bear Fionna could more than easily handle one bear. I continued to follow her intill she chased it into a cave. I sensed something off about it though. There was more than one bear down there and Fionna had just ran into a trap.

Fionna pov

I was still chasing this stupid bear. I was getting a little annoyed with chasing it though and started to look for a way to cut it off and make it fight me. I ran a little more and saw a cave. Perfect I could use this to corner the bear. I followed the bear into the cave where it finally stopped running. 

"End of the line whatcha you gonna do now buddy."

I then saw a bunch of red eyes open and stare at me. I didn't know if bears could smirk but I swear I saw a wide toothy grin appear on that bears face.

Well that's just 'great'.

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