Chapter 4

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I scanned the room there were 20 sets of eyes so that meant there were 10 bears in this cave. Annoyed I readied my sword and started to attack one of them. I managed to kill it shortly and tried to lure a few out from the shadows of the cave.  It wasnt horribly dark in this cave but just dark enough to make me feel like I didnt have the advantage in this fight without some external light source.
      I started fighting another bear while blocking the blows from the orginal bear. They were trying to double team me and I didnt apreicate it. I charged at the bear and right when it was about to slash at me I slid under it slicing his stomach open with my sword as I did so. Well lets see thats 2 down whats that 8 to go?
    I fought and killed a few more bears. Them managing to get a few measly scatches in on me. I heard a bear howl in pain which confused me because it was across thd cave and hadnt been able to touch it. I made my way closer to the noise killing another bear as I went. I got closer and as The bear howled again I was surprised to see Marshall lee there. The bear died shortly not standing a chance.
   "Yo marshall what are you doing-!"
   "Fiona! Watch out theres a bear-"
  He didnt even need to finish that sentence. As I felt something warm and wet run down my calf. Followed by pain whenever I put weight on it.
I turned around temporarily ingnoring the pain pissed and charged the dam thing. I jumped landing on its back and stabbed it twisting my sword. It howled and pain and tried to knock me off but I continued and it went limp collasping with a thud.
   I stepped off the dead bears carcass and as if my mind just remebered I was hurt my leg started to scream at me.
    "Son of a bitch! That stings."
    Marshall who had seemed stunned snapped out of it and flew over to me.
    "Fionna are you okay?! Your leg."
    "Im fine it just stings like a bitch." I said hobbling towards the exit.
    "I dont think you remember what fine means."
    I stepped back outside to see the sun still high in the sky not to much time having had past. 
    I heard a ripping noise and looked over to see marshall ripping his shirt.
    "What are you doing."
    "Whats it look like im doing im bandgeing your wound."
    "Its really not that bad marshall. Ive had worse."
    "It still needs to be tended to. You may forget im a vampire sometimes and while I may have pretty good control over myself blood still can be tempting."
    "Oh.....well thanks I guess."
    "We should get you to gumball's so we can get your leg properly taken care of."
    "But what if i like my ghetto bandage?"
    I got a look from marshall which just caused me to laugh.
   "Fine I guess I'll head over there." I started to walk in that direction.
   "Fi what are you doing?"
   "Walking to Gumball's"
   "You call that walking im callimg it limping."
   He fly over to me and picked me up.
   "Put me down I can walk."
   "You mean hobble?"
   "Yes! I mean No! Shut up." I said pouting a little bit hearing him laugh.

"Where is Cake by the way doesn't she normally go with you when you do crazy things?"

"We were on a mission gumball gave us and we found a candy person in trouble so Cake was helping them get back to the castle while I chased after the bear. Which if you don't mind I need to be getting back to." I said as I tried getting out of his grasp.

"Relax fi Ill take you there. I mean it might be funny watching you try and hobble there but I feel like id get bored five minutes into it anyway. I don't want you making your leg any worse either."

He flew me In the direction of the castle. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head though. There was a pained look on his face.  We saw Cake at the gates presumably looking for me. She ran over a questioning look on her face before she noticed the blood on my leg. 

"Oh my Gosh Fionna what happened?"

"So it turned out there was more then one evil bear.  I had killed most of them but one managed to sneak up on me."

"Whats Marshall doing here though?"

"I don't know quite honestly he just sort of showed up and killed a bear or two before this happened."

 "Well lets get you to Gumball he can hopefully get a doctor to look at it."

Marshall carried me to the castle with cake following and fretting over my leg. When we got there we called out to gumball.

"Gumball we need you help."

"Well what seems to be the issue-" he said turning around "Oh my. How did this happen?"

"Oh nothing I just got ambushed by a group of evil bears and one surprised me no biggie." I said trying to laugh it off.

"Nurse poud cake bring out a wheel chair."

"Its okay I got her."

"Oh its really no problem."

he gave gumball a small glare seeming annoyed. "No really I insist."

"Well ok then." he said seeming taken aback.

I wonder why he was like that. I wonder if he blamed gumball for me being hurt this time. Cause he seemed pretty mad at him. he followed behind gumball as he led the way to the candy hospital. Occasionally gumball would look behind him at me being carried by Marshall and seem upset which was slightly confusing. It almost was like he was annoyed that Marshall was carrying me.

We got to the hospital and walked through the waiting room. gumball led us into one of the hospital rooms. he set me down on the cot. Gumball walked up to me and undid the make shift bandage. A look of pain crossed Marshall face and he had to leave the room. I watched this interaction confused. Gumball proceeded to clean the wound and apply some sort of ointment before speaking up. 

"Sorry you got hurt Fionna. I thought there was only one bear. Why didn't cake help you?"

"One of the candy people were getting attacked so I chased off the bear while I had here help the candy citizen back to safety."

"Your lucky you only need a few stiches Fionna. It  could of been much worse promise me you'll be more careful in the future." he said concern showing in his eyes.

"Ok mom."

I winced as he put the last few stiches in and wrapped my cut.

"Im just glad your alright Fionna." He said then hugged me. Before whenever he would hug me or I would steal a hug from him id be so giddy. But know I found myself not feeling anything really. I must really be over him.

"Thanks I will be fine though im a tough girl." I said flexing my bicep and laughing.

I said bye then left the room and rejoined Cake. "Where'd Marshall go?"

"He didn't say. When he left the room he just hurried off a strange look on his face as he left."

"Weird but aww I wanted to say bye and thank him for helping me."

"Im sure you can do that next you see him hun."

I let out a small huff. "I guess."

"Ready to go hun?"

"Yeah I'm actually a little tired."

We left the castle and headed outside. Cake stretched all big and put me on her back and we headed to the tree house.

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