Chapter 5

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Marshalls pov 

I walked into my house stripping off my shirt. I had to get the smell off me. while my concern for fionna's safety overwrote any vampire instincts earlier. All I could smell now was the scent of her blood. I could feel my fangs pulsating a little bit.  

"Shut up." I said outloud to my enlarging canines.

Shes our friend. We care about her not to mention shes the last human in aaa.  I picked up my shirt and threw in the laundry. I headed over to the fridge and pulled out a apple sucking the red from it. It didn't do much to help the craving but it soothed my aching fangs. I discarded the grey apple in the trash when I was done with it. I loved the power and abilities I gained when I became a vampire but sometimes it sucked.

Fionna pov

I woke up a and rolled over my leg still sore. It was a little annoying. I cant believe I let a  bear sneak up on me like that. I'm blaming Marshall for it though if he hadn't surprised me I would've of been fine I thought with a laugh. Speaking of I wonder how he was doing he was acting a little weird yesterday. I decided to give him a call.  I pulled out our ridiculous large phone and dialed his number. It rang a few times then went to voicemail. I guess it was still early. Sighing I put the phone back in my backpack. Now the question was what exactly was I going to do today?  I didn't feel like going on a full size adventure because my leg was a little sore. And I probably should give it at least a day  without over-exerting myself so it has a chance to heal since it was a deeper cut. At times like these I missed when we had cyclops tears. One drop and boom instantly healed. 

I walked down stairs to see my feline sister packing a bag.

"Whats all that for cake."

"Im heading over to mochro's. Wanted to visit my babies."

"Im curious why don't you live over there then so you don't have to keep going back and worth. Im sure theres enough room lol"

"Because my other baby lives here."

"Cakkkkkkkke. Im 16 im not a baby anymore."

"Your still my baby whether you like it or not."

"Yeah yeah your only a few years older then me remember?"

"I know im heading out now so be good." Don't do anything to crazy intill your leg heals ok."

"No promises." I said with a laugh" But ill try, till the kids I said hi"

"Will do see ya."

I waved as she went out the door. I sat down on the couch what to do what to do. I got up and grabbed a book and tried to start reading. I started to read trying to emerse myself in the plot line that held my attention for all of 5 minutes. Why is it they always write the girl as weak. What if im a strong independent woman and can do it myself. I tossed the book already bored again.
      I rolled on my side. Then on my other side, intill I was laying on my stomach. "Im boredddddd."
I stretched my arms. Surprised when they ran into something. Confused for a second a smacked at the air in front of me. Nothing was I just imagining it?
   I lifted one of my legs in a swift kick.
  I felt like I kicked something and heard a groan. Then something feel on me with a umph.
  "Geez Fi." He said rolling off quickly holding his family jewels.
  I looked up startled and surprised.
"Marshall what are you doing here?"
"Regretting my descions just a little bit. And I saw you called earlier so I thought might as well."
  "Only instead of coming or anouncing your presence like a normal person you just decided to hide." I said laughing.
  "Well yeah who needs or wants normal he said laughing." Getting back up recovering from my unexspected attack.
   "Hows your leg doing?"
   "Better its a bit sore though. How are you doing you seemed to be acting weird yesterday."
   He gave off a laugh. "Im perfectly fine."
   "You sure I was gonna thank you and say bye but you were nowhere to be found."
   "Yes Fi." He took a dramatic pause and a look crossed his face. I didnt really trust that look. "I was only fighting off urges that told me to suck every last drop of blood out your pretty little veins." He said getting closer and caressing my cheek bone.
     "Knock it off." I said blushing kicking him away from me.
     "Oh did I strike a nerve?"
      I just let out of huff.
     "You know that blush of yours is a very tasty looking shade of red."
     "I wonder." He said getting closer to me again. I backed away from him slighlty flustered at him being stupid.
Intill I acidently bumped into a book shelf causing a vase to topple over and break.
     "Crap Marshall this is why we cant have nice things."
     He let out of a laugh. "I dont think you can exactly blame me for that one."
    I walked over and grabbed my dust pan and broom trying to clean up the mess. I had most of it cleaned up when I knicked my finger on one of the broken pieces.
    I saw a small bead of blood start to trickle down my finger. I was about to wipe it off and go about my business since it was just a small cut. But Marshall grabbed my hand loooking at my finger.
    "What are you doing?"
    "Well we should probably take care of your cut now shouldnt we?"
    "Itll be fine its just a small knick."
    I went to pull back my hand a little self conscious. He was basically holding my hand. But he wouldnt let it budge and did something I wasnt exspecting at all. He started licking my finger.
    "What are you doing!"
    He ignored me continuing to lick at the small beads of blood that barely flowed from my finger.
   I managed to shove out of his grip after a few minutes.
   "What the hell!" I said starting to beat said vampire silly. That was so embarrassing. I felt a little mortified.
    "Sorry Fi I was a little hungry and your were just gonna wipe it off anyway." He said slighlty nervous.
    I huffed and threw said vampire boy out flustered beyond belief.


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