part 1

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You where running home from school away from the bullies that where chasing. you. You went down an alley away and hid from them. You stayed there for a while until you knew for sure they where gone. You came out and walked home. You saw that your dad wasn't home yet. Witch was a good thing. You went inside and out your stuff in your room. You where hungry but had nothing to eat. You where use to being hungry you never had the money to get food and what money you did have you dad use to buy beer to get shit face. You went to the living room and sat on the couch. You sighed and fell asleep. An hour later you dad came home drunk. He came in the house and saw you sleep on the couch.


)!" He yelled while downing what left in the bottle

You jumped awake fast and look at him. You saw he was drunk. You got scared but didn't show it.

"Say something you peace of shit!" You dad yelled making you flinch

You didn't know what to say beside you smell like a bar. Your dad got mad and smacked you in the face with the beer bottle. The bottle broke with the in packed and it cut your face. You feel off the couch.

"No good peace of shit of a daughter" He said as he feel on the couch asleep

You ran up to your room crying. Why do I live a life like this... You thought. You felt the warm blood drip down your face. You wiped your eyes and went to the bathroom and got the glass out of the cut and wiped off the blood and put a wrap on it you looked at the other cut your dad gave you and sighed as you left the bathroom and went to the window and open it. You looked out in the darkness you smiled and jumped out the window and headed to the woods. You had a feeling someone was watching you but you didn't care you keep walking in the one place no one would find you. Then you got this uneasy feeling. You walked through the woods faster. You stop and turned about and saw something following you. You froze in your steps. The figure got closer and you saw it was a person with black hair and a bloody hoodie on. Your eyes widen and the person tried to stab you. Then out of no where another person with Brown hair and with a scarf showed up pushing you out of the way.

"Now. Now. Why did you do that brother" The guy said

"Your going insane again Jeffrey please snap out of it before you get hurt" The other guy said

Liu looked at you then Jeff.

"The poor girl been through enough don't you see" The guy said

"Why not put her out of her misery then" Jeff said

Liu looked at me.

"Run and run fast I'll hold him back" Liu said to you

You snap out of your thoughts and took off running. You ran all the way back home. Jumping throw the window and locking it. What the hell was he trying to kill me? Next time I leave I need to bring my knife. You said to yourself. You look at the clock and saw the time. You went to bed for school tomorrow. The next day came by fast. You got up and went to the bathroom and took off the wraps and saw the cut and the bruises. Damn this one going to be hard to explain. You thought. You grabbed your clothes got dress and then grabbed your bag
and left for school. On your way out you saw your dad still sleep on the couch so you quietly left. You walked to school because it just safer for you. On the way to school you felt eyes watching you but when you looked around no one was there. You thought you where being paranoid. So you kept walking to school.

(Liu point of view)

I watched (y

) walk to school with out her knowing. Jeff didn't come home last night so he out to kill her again. Watching (y

) I realized that she gets bullied and I think her father abuses her. That poor girl. I felt bad for her. A smirk grow on my face. I left to get closer to the school to keep a better eye on her. I saw the bullies mess with her. I wanted to do something but I couldn't. Slemderman orders. I was to only watch the girl. Nothing more. Nothing less. I can't believe I'm just watching this. I watch one of the bullies smack her on the eye that was wrap. She look like she was in so much pain. Blood started dripping from the wraps. She started smirking and laughing a little. She moved her hand to her pocked and grabbed a pocket knife. The bullies didn't see it. She open the knife and attack one stabbing them multiple times. The other ones took off and one of them stand her. They pushed her to the ground. I just can't watch this. I thought. Blood dripping to the ground from (y

) face and arms. They bullies ran off. (Y

) got up and went home. I followed her.

(Your point of view)

What got into me back there. I kinda like it but its wasn't me. You thought. You took the bottom of your shirt and put it on the stab wounds.

"Damn it hurts" You mumbles to yourself

You got home to you dad at the front door. Shit.. You thought. You walk up to him. He looked disgusted by your presents. He look at you while blood still came from the cut on your face and arm.

"You stabbed someone at school" He said

You didn't say anything.

"Answer me!" He yelled

Still nothing. He grabbed you by your shirt and throw you in the house. Able to catch your balance you turned and look at your dad. He raised his hand and started hitting you. You didn't know what to do. Then you heard a knock at the door. You dad stop hitting you for a minute.

"Go away I'm busy" He said as he punched you

The knock came again.

"Go the hell away" He yelled

After that was said the door was kicked in. You saw the Jeff guy and the brown hair one. Jeff started laughing. As he took out his knife and went for your dad. You slowly started closing you eyes.

"We need Dr. Smiley fast" Said the brown hair on

"Hes back at the mansion liu will she make it.? " Jeff asked staging your dad

"I don't know.. Slenderman we need your help" Liu said

You saw a tall faceless man appeared by you guys. Your head got a statickey to the point you passed out.

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