part 11

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emme pov

weeks later and (y/n) came back as she walked though the doors everyone look at her. seeing the cuts and bruises all over her, but she walked thought the doors with a smile. a smile? why is she smiling? she was beating haft to death for weeks on end..? Emme thought to herself. (y/n) went upstairs to her room and grabs clothes to go take a shower. i followed her up and stood by her door.

"do you need something miss imagery?" (y/n) said still looking for clothes

"i'm sorry.. i should've been the one to face slenderman punishment, not you." Emme said "but you need to control Ruby before she control you!" she added

"did you come up here to start a fight? i don't want to fight, but i know i need to control her. it's hard when you have more than your own voice in your head fighting against you everyday with everything you do!" (y/n) said slamming the draw shut and walking pass Emme to the bathroom

that girl!? i'm trying to help her!? and she give me an attitude! Emme thought.

(y/n) pov.

that took a lot of me to say to her. i don't hate her for what she did, but i was taken and put in to a room beaten everyday by the mistake she did. i sighed and walked into the bathroom seeing liu and jeff in there.

"uhhh??" (y/n) said

"oh, welcome back (y/n)" liu said

(y/n) see jeff arm bleeding.

"what happen" you ask

"jeff was on a mission and his target fought back and got him pretty good" liu said

jeff looked away as liu finish putting on the wrap on his arm.

"sorry for walking in.. i should've knock" you said

"your fine. where done anyway plus i'm sure you want to take a shower more then seeing a bloody arm you should go to sleep afterwards it is late and you probably need rest" liu said and smile

"yeah" you said hiding your face into the towel

they guys left and you locked the door. you walked up to the mirror and saw her. why now..? i thought

"i can hear you" Rudy said

"sorry" you said

"why do you still like that brat!? she made him do this to you!?" Rudy said fading away so you can see your reflection

you saw all the cuts and bruises.

"its nothing my dad haven't done to me before.." you said

"yeah, i know, but this is worst (y/n). you made it away from you father alive. you wouldn't making away from him alive even if you tried" Rudy said

"stop.." you yelled putting you hand over your ear pulling your hair

"you can't fight the truth!" rudy said "no matter what you'll hear me you can try to ignore it, but i'm here to help you and keep you safe. like your brother." she added

"DONT TALK ABOUT HIM!" you yelled louder as tears came spilling over

you hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"are you okay? i heard yelling." ben said

"uh.. yeah i'm fine sorry i'll keep it down" you said with remorse

you sighed once again. ben walked away and you got into the shower. it hurt badly. the water bouncing of the cuts and bruises. the hot water going in to the cuts making them sting, but at the same time it felt so refreshing. after a while you got out and dried off and got dress. you took a towel and dried you hair while looking the mirror, you saw a red streak in your hair.

"huh?" you said but then shrugged it off and walked out and went to your room.

you went to your desk and sat down. you started tapping your fingers and looking around. then you shot up and got paper and your color pencil, pen and marks and started to draw the setting of the room. you drew a dark room with a chair with restraints on it. you looked over and saw the picture of you and your brother. you put down the pencil and just keep the paper a dark room and a chair. you got up and left the drawing on your desk and ran downstairs and outside Emme saw you and followed. you didn't know where you were going but you kept going. you ran thought the dark woods and ended up at a grave yard gate. you stop and look in it before stepping in. you took a deep breath and walked in and up to your brother grave and sat down crying.

"why did you have to go too!? you and mom both left me with dad! why i can't do this by myself i need you both here with me since dad now gone" you cry

Emme walks up.

"weak" emme said

"why are you here" you ask

"i saw you leave and want to now where you were going, so i followed and find this. your weak you don't belong at the slender mansion, you don't belong with us, you don't belong with liu either and crying over a death!? ha! i put haft there motherfuckers in the grave" emme smirked "even your mother"

you shot up tackling emme to the ground. your eyes went red, but you keep control. you take your nails and cuts her arms.

"you bitch!?" you yell "imma kill you" you added

emme kicked you off and got to her feet real fast. emme pulled out a knife and went for an attack. you moved and went behind her and kicked her to the ground.

"you have nothing on me! your gonna die" you said

you take the knife from emme and goes to stab her. emme quickly moved and got up taking you by the hair and pulling you down to the ground. you grab her arm and go up fast then knee her in the stomach emme let go and step back. you stabbed her a few time and she falls to the ground. you put you foot on her shoulder kicking her onto her back. stepping on her stomach. a big,crazy, insane smile crossed your face. than you feel someone grabs your arms pull you back and pin you to the ground.

*** author note ***

hi guys! i'm back!! ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2019 ⏰

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