part 5

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Liu went downstairs thinking. She had a split personality. Why didn't slenderman tell me. He thought. I went to Dr. Smiley office and saw him on his computer trying to figure out something. I walked up closer and saw it had to do with (y\ n).

"Looking at my work liu" Dr. Smiley said and turned around facing you

"How much did you know about (y\ n)?" Liu asked

"I didn't know much about her split personality I wasn't even sure if that was what it was but the more I looked into it the more it came to me that she had an insane side" Said Dr. Smiley

"Why didn't you tell me that she had a split personality" Liu said

"I'm a doctor I can't tell other people what's wrong with my patients even the princess" Dr. Smiley said in a harsh tone

"Watch it smiley" Liu's eyes went a darker green

Dr. Smiley eyes went red as he got up.

"Remember sully I can stop you like I can stop her" Dr. Smiley threatened

"Leave her out of this!" Sully yelled

"I have to put her through the same test I put you through" Dr smiley said with a smirk

"Leave her alone! your not doing anything to her" Sully said

"You know about her split personality but (y\ n) has no idea about you" Dr. Smiley said

"Shut your damn mouth" Sully yelled "she'll find out soon" He added

"When? Never? Sully your not stable enough! one wrong move and you'll kill her or have her insane side come out" Dr smiley said

"That won't happen I only come out when I think Liu's in danger" Sully said

"You may do that but you also come out at the sent of blood with make you insane enough to kill" Dr. Smiley said

"Go to hell" Sully said leaving his office

Sully went to the living room to find the rest. He stopped before anyone could see him and let liu take back over. Liu leans against the wall watching the all of them. A few mins passed and Ben appeared in front of liu.

"What happen in (y\ n) room... I heard Sully come out and a different female voice then (y\ n) voice" Ben said a little worried

"....Everything fine she asleep but watch out around her" Liu try to say in a nice way

"What? Why?" Ben asked

"Just do!" Liu said a bit loud getting everyone attention

"But why!" Ben yelled

Ruby was at the top of the stairs.

"Because of me" Ruby said making everyone look at her

She shot a look at Liu then jumps the stairs gate landing in the living room.

"(Y\ n)?" Ben said

"Try again leap boy the names ruby im (y\ n) insane side or a split personality as the doc put it" Ruby said

Everyone was shocked at that. Everyone but Liu. How could someone so sweet, nice and caring just snap? Jeff stood up and walked out to ruby.

"From everything she been through and she kept it inside A split personality would form" Jeff said "but just how strong at are you" He added

Jeff quickly pulled out an knife and attacked Ruby. In a split instant Ruby grab Jeff arm. Jeff went to knee Ruby in the stomach. Ruby quickly blocked it with her open hand and pushed Jeff back. Ruby eyes went a dark blue and she stole Jeff knife and went to attack him. Jeff blocked them. Ruby hair started going red and her attacked got faster and stab him in the arm. Jeff started insanely laughing. Everyone in the room backed up. Liu looked at them thinking if he should stop them but it was too late. Ruby had a killer smirk on her face and Jeff was completely insane. Liu hears sully telling him to stop it before Jeff kill her but he stood there not knowing what to do. Ruby shot a glare at Liu. He saw it and walk up to her grabbing her arm pulling her back.

"Stop Jeffery" Liu said in a cold tone

"Why where just having fun and what's a little fun with out blood shead" Jeff said as he went to go stab Liu.

Ruby quickly get in front and take the blow and got stabbed in the shoulder.

"Shit" Ruby said falling against liu.

Liu grab Ruby keeping her up. Jeff quickly came back as sully took over liu.

"What the hell Jeffrey?!" Sully yelled

Ruby got up holding her shoulder.

"Uhh oops my bad" Jeff said

"I should kill you!" Sully yelled

Everyone looked at Sully dumb founded. E.j look at Jeff then walked up to ruby and put her arm around his shoulders as Ruby let (y\ n) take over. E.j lead her to Dr. Smiley office to fix her wound. (Y\ n) looked at E.j.

"What happened.." You asked

"Jeff went insane and stabbed you then sully come out" E.j said grabbing a needle and thread to fix the stab wound

"Sully?" You said confused

"Talk to Liu about it" EJ said Stiching your wound

You nodded as you sat there letting e.j fix the stab wound. Feeling every pinch of pain every time the needle went in but you sat there taking it. Thinking about everything that just happen. You didn't really understand what happen and who sully is. After EJ was finished he wrap up your arm and you where good to leave. Getting up and leaving the room you made your way to the living room. Liu came up to you.

"(Y\ n)..  Are you okay? Jeffrey didn't mean to hurt you" Liu said

"I'm okay it's hurts but it won't stop me from doing anything" You said calmly

"I'm going to go to my room and rest" (Y\ n) said

"Yeah its best if you rest someone will be up to get you when dinner done" Masky said

You modes and when up stairs to your room. You sat on your bed and looked at the window. You heard voice outside. They sounded like kids. You got up and went to the window and saw 3 little girls that looked no older then 7 or 8. You knew one was Sally but you didn't. One looked normal and the other looked like a little slender. As you where watching the girls play you heard a soft knock on the door. You stayed by the window and said come in. The door open slowly. You glance over your shoulder and saw Liu walk in. You relaxed a little know who it was and went back wat hing out the window. Liu walked up behind you.

"Watching the girls play? Sally, Lazari and Sen" Liu said

"Yeah they don't look older then 8 why are they here?" You asked

"Sally was raped and killed by her uncle Lazari is the child of Zalgo and Sen slenderman daughter" Liu said

"Oh?" You said confused

"Where all here for a reason.. Some are being killed by love one or the one we trust and some are being forgotten or abandoned or abused even bullied something drove us all insane" Liu said

"So even is the same here and I'm a stick out" You mutter to yourself

"That where your wrong your the same as us" Liu said

"How besides being abuse by my father" You yelled

"Your like me you have a split personality" Liu said

What is he talking about. Then you remember the girl you saw. Your eyes widen in fear.

i knew it would Be you(liu X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon