part 6

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"You don't need to be scared" liu said walking away from the window to a mirror.

You walked up to the mirror next to liu and you saw your reflection. It's was you. You saw liu reflection too.

"Close your eyes and take a deep breath and look at the mirror again" liu said

You closed and did as your where told to do. Once you open your eyes you saw yours and liu reflections change. As your eyes went a darker blue and liu eyes when a faker green. You jumped back. You had a scared and confused look. Liu had a faint smile.

"What is that" You said

"Don't be scared" Liu said

"The name Ruby in the insane side of you I hold most of your powers" Ruby said

"Im sully the insane side of liu" Sully

You backed up more not believing anything. You sat on your bed in disbelief and ruby disappeared.

"They can take over when ever that want?" You asked

"No it's not like that but she can take over when you go unconscious or in danger" Liu said

You sat there with a blank face. That what inside me another person! That can't be. It's a trick. You thought to yourself. Liu walked up to you trying to get your attention but it didn't work a few minutes pass by and there was a knock on your door. Then your door open up a little bit and masky peek through.

"Dinner done" Masky said

"Ok" Liu said walking to the door "come down when your ready not everyone eat dinner together unless slender put it together" He added then left

You just sat on the bed staring at the mirror. You let out a sigh and feel back on your bed. You lifted your hand up in front of your face looking at the front and back. This body isn't just mine anymore. You thought. You let her arm drop on to your stomach. 5 minutes pass and you heard Ben call for the girls outside. You got up and went to the window and saw him looking for them. You looked over a bit and saw the girls hiding in different places. You smile as you saw Ben play the game. Ben turned his back to the girls and they all came out and attacked him. They all started laughing to the point you couldn't help but laugh. Ben told the girls to go inside and eat on his way back inside he looked up at your window and smiled. You smiled back. You went back to the mirror took one last look at yourself then went downstairs. You walk in the kitchen to see the proxy's give the girls there dinner. Jeff was at the table cleaning his knife when Ben was sitting a corner playing his DS with ej standing next to him. You stay the the door. Then masky seen you.

"Come In we don't bit" masky said

"Well EJ dose" Ben said

EJ kicked Ben.

"Ow!" Ben yelled

You laughed a little then went quite. You never where around this many people at once. You where at school but you normally skip class. EJ pulled out an chair.

"Come sit down" EJ said

You walked in more and sat down. After a few mins a plate was sat in front. You look up to see masky put it in front of you. Masky smiled.

"Try eating" masky said

To messed with the food on the plate. More people walk into the kitchen. You started tapping your foot. Ben looked at you.

"Everything okay (y/n)" Ben said walking up to you

"Yeah" You said as you kept tapping your foot

You really didn't eat. You where watching everyone try to figure out what type of people they are. Looking around in all the people and all the talking you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked over to see it was one of the proxys but it wasn't masky. It's was the one in the brown sweater.

"Y-your not eating and I s-see your tapping your foot. Do y-you need to go some w-where else" He asked

You noded yes. He got up and offered his hand to you. You took it and you guys left the kitchen. Liu stop you guys and looked at Toby. Toby look at him.

"Toby your waffles are done" masky said

Toby ran back to the table and started to eat. You walked back in the kitchen. You stood by the walk and stated tapping your fingers against the wall. Your breathing picked up a little, but no one noticed. You looked for another way out but you couldn't find one. You took a step foreword and collapsed and went i'm unconscience. Everyone looked at you. Liu dropped to his knees next to you.

"(Y/n)!? Quick someone get dr. Smiley!" Liu yelled

Ben teleported out of the room and when to dr. Smiley. Few seconds later Dr. smiley came running.

"What happen with the princess?" Dr. Smiley asked

"Not sure she was fine then the next minute she passes out" liu said

Dr. Smiley picked her up and takes her to his office and put her in the bed. Then he checked her blood pressure and heart rate. Then he goes the his computer and logs in and add that information under (y/n) file. Dr. Smiley got up and got a needle to get a blood sample from (y/n) as soon as he got by her with it ruby grabs dr. Smiley arm and sat up.

"What the hell do you think your doing!?" Ruby yelled and sat up

"Hmm didn't take over until I almost took blood" dr. Smiley goes to his desk and writes that down

"Where am I and why? And what happen to her?" Ruby asked

"My office because (y/n) passed out due to being about to many people and she panicked and passed out" dr. Smiley

"So she'll be out for a while" ruby smirked and got off the bed and left the room.

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