Hoping for Luck

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Word Count: 2,386

I couldn't help but feel nervous as Red fired up for take-off, I honestly never expected any of this to happen to me, I had thought that I would've died on that operating table, and yet here I was. Not only free but working with Voltron. I could hardly believe it.

It didn't take long before we were blasting through space heading straight toward the Galra prison ship.

"Acira, can you hear me?" Allura's voiced filtered through my earpiece all of a sudden; I winced at the loudness of the voice and reached to turn it down a bit.

"Yes, Allura, I'm here," I said, once I had reached a comfortable volume.

Keith's eyes glanced in my direction for a moment before returning to the task of flying Red through space to our destination.

I tightened my grip on the back of his chair since there was only one chair for the pilot; I was forced to stand and balance to keep myself from falling over onto the floor.

"The ship should be in sight in a few ticks." She said, the line finally going dead.

When I had finally gone over the plan once again, we were rushed to the lions, by Coran's repeating cries that the ship wouldn't be there for long so it had to be quick. I was now squished in with Keith as he flew Red. Shiro, being the smart leader he is, decided to leave Black at the castle and chose to ride with Lance, since Blue's cockpit held a little more room than Yellow's did.

My breath hitched in my throat as the prison ship came into view, memories flowing back to me like a tidal wave, huge and quick. I closed my eyes and took slow, long breaths, calming my racing heart as we came closer. I was okay; I wasn't going to get captured again, this wasn't even the same ship I was held captive on anyway.

My nerves unconvinced, I tried squeezing my eyes tighter as I focused on the low hum of Red's engine.

We weren't spotted, thanks to Pidge's handy work with installing cloaking devices on the lions, and we landed stealthily on the underside of the ship.

Keith got out of the pilot's chair; gravity no longer affecting us, and floated to the ceiling of the cockpit, fiddling with a hatch that slid open as we both went out into space.

The rest of our small group was already waiting, making sure to keep themselves out of sight of the smaller ships coming in and out of the massive ship.

"Alright, everybody knows the plan?" I asked, after turning on my comm.

The rest of the team nodded in response.

I watched as Shiro's right hand glowed a faint purple, digging it into the metal of the ship, he cut a hole into it, big enough for us to fit.

He went first, slipping through with no problem.

We waited for a moment, none of us saying a word.

"All clear."

I swooped in next, adjusting my helmet, I pressed the button on the side to prevent the helmet from pumping in any more oxygen, I slid up the section covering my mouth, breathing in the stale air of the ship, it stank of Galra, urine, and fear, so nothing different. Looking around as soon as my feet hit the floor, it seemed to be in an empty cell, the door ajar, but I knew one thing, we were alone.

Keith followed me through, then Lance, and finally Hunk, with minor difficulty.

"You're on the bottom floor," Pidge's voice echoed through our earpieces, "there should be a door at the end of the hall to your left that should lead you up to the next floor."

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