Spare Me Your Sorrow

787 42 12

Word Count: 1,678

It's shorter -ish???


Under Lotor's command, I had flown Red through the vastness of space, thankfully I was able to get my flying under control. The barrel of a gun pressed firmly against my skull until the time we arrived at a massive warship was a small price for what I was doing, but other than the occasional shuffle of Lotor or one of the guards crammed in with us, it was quiet.

It didn't take long until we came to Zarkon's ship. A massive beast nestled in the confinements of space was the only thing to be seen for miles, there wasn't any planets or moons in sight.

Lotor forced me up to a standing position the moment we landed. I was now being dragged along through halls and massive rooms, the familiar glow of the dark lights shrouded everything in a dark purple haze. I had been stripped of my armor, only the tight black suit that had been underneath remained.

I tried to squeeze my hands through the cuffs on my wrists, trying in vain to break free, but I could only twist them slightly before the metal bit into my skin. I cursed Lotor for being so clever with his actions, but as we neared closer to what I could assume was our destination, he stared to distance himself from my side. Choosing instead to walk behind me as we approached a large set of metal doors.

Once they opened I was thrown on the floor, my head banged onto the metal ground and I sucked in a cry of pain, seeing stars in my vision.


I looked up at the deep voice that vibrated with power through the room and I immediately wished I hadn't. Zarkon sat in all of his power on his throne, his bright purple eyes taking me in only temporarily before permanently settling on Lotor who now stood a few feet beside me.

"Father." His tone was tight.

"I see you have retrieved the key." His hard eyes bore into mine and I looked back down at the floor, my breathing intensifying, Zarkon would not get the satisfaction of seeing the fear in my eyes at his presence.

"Indeed, I have. With the help of the tracker that had been placed in its wings, I have found the source of power we have been searching for for so long."

Anger surged in my chest, of course Lotor would need my help to find it, if it hadn't been for the cuffs secured tightly around my wrists, I would've tried to kill him then and there. Lucky for him I was restrained.

"And the paladins?" Zarkon rested his chin on his hand, looking at his son with mild interest.

With that phrase, Lotor smiled, "Buried under rubble."

Zarkon's lips upturned. "What of the lions?"

"They are hidden well on Faltris, but I have the red lion here and once the pesky Alteans have come to their paladin's rescue, then we will have the rest of the lions and their paladins under our control."

Zarkon's smile grew. "Excellent."

"Shall I dispose of this creature now that it has served its purpose to your mighty empire?" Haggar questioned, her hands aiming slightly in my direction, awaiting Zarkon's command.

The emperor thought about the question, basking the whole room in an eerie silence.

Finally coming to a conclusion, a minute later, he shook his head. "No, if the door cannot be opened any other way, then we will still need it and its blood to be opened."

The hooded figure bowed deeply, "Very well, my lord."

"Has it been broken? If this is the case, then you know that the door can only be opened willingly." I flinched at I felt his gaze land on me.

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