Him Again

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Sals Pov.

I sighed walking around, after that dream I wanted to do anything but sleep. As I kept walking Larry jumped out of nowhere in front of me, "OH GOD!", I exclaimed falling over as Larry laughed at me. I growled standing up. "Your annoying dead you know that" "I know",Larry replied. "Let's just get this Spawn from hell out here already..." I walked but Larry grabbed me "Dude that's not all we have to do!" Larry sighed and looked at me ,"We have to get that girl that died here... Don't you remember her?" I tried to reply but after everything that had happened in my live I just couldn't "I-i don't....". Larry sighed ,"How?! You kept telling me she's real when we were ki-"
"Kids?! Exactly after all the tramatising things in my life you think I'd remember something as stupid as a little girl!" Larry stared at me shocked, I messed up.... "YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT TRAMATISING, I GOD DANM DIED!!!" I jumped my eyes widening, I've never actually heard Larry cuss before and sighed "Your right...". Sal if didn't mean to-" "No it was my fault, your life has been worse then mine" I cut Larry off sighing.


I knew my life had been a bit worse but I yelled at Sal so horribly so I sighed trying to change the subject, "Ok.... Sal let's talk to the girl later we have somewhere to G-" "LARRY LOOK OUT!" I heard sal cry out untill I felt dizzy passing out.

Sals pov again xp

I screamed to Larry to watch out untill I saw him again, the dream! "Remember our deal sal hehe, this is mine untill it's done and you and I will get all we deserve" he cackled leaving me once again, Larry! I turned on the new game boy nothing happening. I screamed again for Larry. Nothing.... I sighed knowing what I had to do... Figure out what that thing wants and get my friend no..... My best friend...... Back... I decided I'd start looking around (I bet almost all of you thought the chapter was gonna end there xp)
I walked into I saw ghosts all around. Most I didn't know, probably old residents of this place. I sighed and continued on untill everything went black. I turned untill I saw a figure, a little girl "Sal... Why don't you know me" "I...I..." Why don't you remember me?!" She yelled. I didn't know what to do "L-little girl calm do- "CLAM DOWN?! YOUR JUST HERE DANCING IN TOUR OWN WORLD, WHY DO YOU EVEN STAY, WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT A 'LITTLE GIRL'?!"
She yelled crying untill I remembered...Megan! "MEGAN NO!" she froze near me "S-sal.... I-i missed you..." She cried a bit "M-megan...." I walked to her and I didn't know how but hugged her... Something was wrong, the second she hugged back she wispered in my ear "Your so stupid" she said as I slowly passed out to
WOW 518 WORDS. hey that's alot for writing this on a phone xp. Thanks for reading

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