Congrats , heres a fantastic title!

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Sal stood in the tree house, astonished at what has just happened. At everything that has just happened. He didn't know what to say or do now, but one thought let him going, larry. He couldn't stop until his friend was safe.

Sal grabbed his Game boy, and slowly climbed down the tree house. He took slow step by steps to the building. I mean who would want to go in a totally legit haunted building ?!

He gripped his arm, as he opened the door quickly, aiming his Game boy at anyone or thing. There was nearly nothing he could trust at this point. His friends his family..... If he had either that is. Sal's eyes dilated as he felt a shiver go down his spine. "Ugh..... Forgot about that", Sal sighed in annoyance.

He soon headed into the building cautiously, as he noticed some weaker spirits attempting to harm him, but just sadly failing, he was in the first floor so he wasn't very shocked.

Sal knew that there wouldn't be much for him on the first floor, so he decided to head to the second. Nothing but the spirits were stronger, what is this some game- oh wait....

Sal decided to skip the third and fourth floor and headed straight to the fifth, where megan always was..... He knew he wouldn't get her face it easily, but he had to check something, anything. He slowly went down the hall, knowing to go the way towards the rooms, not just the dark abyss at the other side.

Sal edged towards the last room, feeling as tho he was going to hurl from fear. He hated this, all of this, but this was for Larry. Sal opened the door, and let his eyes rome about the room before walking in.

He made sure to be careful by making sure he didn't step on any of the old newspapers that were there. He too notice of the broken glass still there, back from when he first moved in. Sal didn't care much for the kitchen, as he knew there was none, and soon directed his attention to the bathroom, as he edged towards it.

He let his hand lightly grasp the knob, as he made sure it was unlocked. He didn't want to just open it and realize that it can lock by the inside. So, when he walked in, he left a small coin he had, and put it between the door and door frame.

Sal looked about the bathroom, it's broken tiles, smashed sink, and crushed bath tub. Ah just as good times. But none of that now. Now he needed to do something important, no matter what.

Hey uhm, I told you all I'm done with this book, which I am But I saw chapter 4, and I was like DAMN....I WAS CLOSE TO WHAT IT WAS. And was really shocked heh. But anyway, this is a draft I had for a while and just wanted to show you guys, hope you enjoy it.

The Other Side-(after Sally Face)Where stories live. Discover now