28. Occulmency

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"I'm coming to the conclusion, I think I would rather be anyone else but me" ~ The Grand Delusion, Neck Deep

There was a lively celebration after Sirius' trial, and in the few days that we had before school went back, he only seemed to become more cheerful. Even Dad, who seemed slightly put off by something after the trial, is happier. Article after article was published in just a matter of days, all with Sirius' story as the front cover story:




However, when the day finally comes that we're supposed to return to Hogwarts, my reservations return. There are so many things that I don't want to return to at school. Escorted by Tonks, Remus, we're returning via the Knight Bus.  The adults are all eating breakfast in the kitchen when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Riley, Tay, and I come down. They seem to have been mid-way through a whispered conversation as Harry opens the door; all of them look round hastily and fall silent. 

After a hurried breakfast, we all pull on jackets and scarves against the chilly grey January morning. An unpleasant constriction forms in my chest; I don't want to say goodbye to Dad or Sirius. I can tell there's been something on Dad's mind since the trial, and I'm worried that Sirius will do something reckless now that he's free, as he's still bothered by Snape's accusation of cowardice. Before I can even think of what to say, they beckon Harry and I to them. 

"We want you to take this," Sirius says quietly, thrusting badly wrapped packages roughly the size of a paperback book into our hands. 

"What is it?"

"A way of letting us know if Snape's giving you a hard time. No, don't open it here!" Sirius says, with a wary look towards Mrs Weasley. "I doubt Molly will approve - but I want you to use it if you need us, all right?"

"Okay," I say, as we stow them away in our trunks. Sirius no longer has to worry about being caught, but I'm still worried about losing him and Dad to the Death Eaters, no doubt they're targets now. 

"Let's go then," Dad says brightly, clapping our backs. And before either of us can say anything, we're being ushered upstairs, stopping at the heavily bolted front door, surrounded by Weasleys, Saunters, and Gordons. 

"Goodbye, Harry, Haylee, take care," Mrs Weasley says, hugging us one by one. 

"See you, and keep an eye out for snakes for me!" Mr Weasley says genially, shaking our hands. 


This is my last chance to tell Sirius and Dad to be careful; I turn, look into their faces and open my mouth to speak, but before I can do so Sirius is giving us brief, one-armed hugs, and saying gruffly, "Look after yourselves."

Dad follows suit, hugging us both tightly, and next moment, I find myself being shunted out into the icy winter air, with Tonks (today heavily disguised as a tall, tweedy woman with iron-grey hair) chivvying me down the steps.  

The door of number twelve slams shut behind us. We followLupin down the front steps. As he reaches the pavement, I glance over my shoulder. Number twelve is shrinking rapidly as those on either side of it stretch sideways, squeezing it out of sight. One blink later, and it's gone entirely.

 "Come on, the quicker we get on the bus the better," says Tonks,  and there's a sense of worry in the look she throws around the square. Lupin flings out his right arm.


A violently purple, triple-decker bus has appeared out of thin air in front of us, narrowly avoiding the nearest lamppost, which jumps backwards out of its way.

A thin, pimply, jug-eared youth in a purple uniform leaps down onto the pavement and says, "Welcome to the--"

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