The Monster of Derry

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Sorry for being so late I've been having sleeping problems lately causing me to be very dead lmao

You all sat in Bill's garrage. He was showing you all where that thing lived. He set up the projecter and the photos, turning the lights off. You all sat together, you holding Eddie's hand. Bill alinged the photos. It showed the town of Derry along with where the attacks were. "It all connects to the sewers" he said. Eddie started taking puffs on his inhaler, he stood up. "This is terrifying. We-we shouldn't do this." He said looking around anxiously. You grabbed his hand, "hey, it's okay. Listen to me ok? It's ok" you said smiling at him. You heard a clicking noise and looked up at the projecter. He turned around and backed up. Click click click you kept hearing come from the projecter. It was showing photos of Bills family. "What are-what are you doing?" Mike asked. It sped up, "Turn it off!" Bev said concerned. Click click click click click the photos turned to one of a womans, Bills mother, face. Her hair started moving with each click. "TURN IT OFF!" Bev screamed. Mike ran over to the projecter trying to turn it off. Her hair had revealed a smiling Pennywise. Mike knocked the projecter down to reveal a blurry photo. Click he was gone. No one was in the photo. You all sighed.

You squeezed Eddie's hand. All the sudden the projecter went blank. A face squeezed out. Pennywise. You all looked terrified looking at it. It's janky arms strated to claw itself up out of the screen. You all screamed and yelled running back into corners trying to get out. Eddie looked at you terrified and tried to lift you and get you behind him. Bev was stuck in the corner, it coming towards her. Ben turned the garage door open as quickly as possible, Bill and him going to grab her. You all had already made it outside terrified. You looked at Eddie who was using his inhaler insanely. He looked at you and hugged you tight, toying with your hair. "Its ok. It's ok. It's ok." He said, it sounded like even he didn't believe this.

Gazebos||Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now