Killing is the question. But for the answer?

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Slash sighed happily. Looking at the face full of fear before him, "Leonardo, sweet, sweet, Leonardo." He sang walking in circles around the bleeding turtle he'd stabbed, "I'll make the pain stop, and Raph will be free of your wretchedness. Just agree Leonardo." 

The turtle went into a coughing fit before saying, "N-no I won't l-let you k-k-kill me!"

"Have it your way." Slash sneered as he drew near, his axe at the ready.

"S-stay away!" Leo shouted, trying to crawl away. Trying to get closer to his younger brother, who he know had been drugged for about 20 seconds, maybe 30 he didn't know. Leo counted down the seconds quietly, and he coughed miserably. His body wouldn't stop shaking!

Leonardo only counted to 10 seconds before his body twisted in pain as Slash picked him up. All Leo could do was cry out in pain, begging him to stop when Slash put down his axe and twisted his body making him continue to gasp and yell in pain, trying to punch the hard shelled turtle.

"I've had enough of this." Snarled Slash as he put Leo down, "Get ready to die turtle!" 

And before the poor 16 year old knew.

The axe came down.

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