brennan the griller

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It was heading towards the end of summer and Callie was trying to soak up every last second, but it didn't help with her practice in the way

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It was heading towards the end of summer and Callie was trying to soak up every last second, but it didn't help with her practice in the way.

She had stopped doing gymnastics and switched over to cheerleading, mostly because they had just started the program and there was barley enough girls to make a squad, so she joined to help out.

Callie enjoyed being in cheer, not only because it was her thing, and not something Annie could steal from her, but it was because her cheer team cheered for the sports in their age range.

The competed against other cheer teams and as well took time to cheer for the middle school football team, soccer, swim and you guessed it, waterpolo.

The gym where she practiced was still where she practiced when she was in gymnastics, since the programs were linked together, which made it easy on her mom.

Callie was just packing up her stuff from practice, when she looked at her phone, seeing she got a text

I got a haircut & you're
coming over to see if it's good

Callie rolled her eyes at the text and quickly responded.

do you really care what I think
or do you just want me to come over?

hmm I guess the second
answer ??


On the ride to pick up Brennan from golf, Callie had tried to help Katie with some of her homework, but didn't get very far when Katie wouldn't stop talking

They all arrived at the house and started to get out of the car, Katie was making weird bird noises and Brennan was trying to close the trunk door on her.

"Well, Callie was trying to help Katie study in the car but if you couldn't tell she's in quite the talkative mood today." Jill laughed as she told the camera, showing the craziness that was happening.

Brennan finally closed the door and put his hands on the back of Callie's shoulders, moving her around crazily to Katie's bird nosies, everyone let out a laugh and headed inside the house.


After a while of watching tv with Brennan and Katie, Brennan decided it was time for him to start dinner, and he forced Callie to help him.

"I would rather watch some Jessie! Cameron Boyce is such a cutie." Callie complained as Brennan turned on the grill.

Brennan stopped putting the burgers on turned to look at Callie, he narrowed his eyes jokingly, "why watch that Cameron dude when you can watch me make some bomb cheeseburgers."

She hummed to herself and nodded her head, softly saying "I guess your right." as she picked up their vlog camera.

"Hey guys, Brennan cooking us dinner tonight." She laughed, putting the camera on him opening the grill.

"Why is this thing so high?" He complained.

"Yeah, blame the grill for your cooking skill." Callie sarcastically said, he quickly responded by pointing the spatula at her and raising his eyebrows.

The both let out a laugh when Ms.Jill came and yelled at Brennan for messing around at the grill.


As they waiting for the burgers to cook Callie and Brennan were in his room passing around one of the foam footballs he found.

"You know what I just realized?" Brennan asked as he threw the ball to Callie.

"What?" she questioned, letting out a little sigh as the football left her hands and went through the air and swiftly landed in his hands.

He stood up from Ryan's bed as soon as the ball landed in his hands and walked over to where she sat.

Callie looked up at Brennan towering over her, since she still sat on his bed, "you never asked about my haircut." He pouted.

She rolled her eyes, "well if you didn't keep this on it!" Callie pointed to his hat and quickly flicked it off.

It fell to the ground and Brennan's hand immediately went to his hair, blocking her view of seeing his haircut.

"Brennan!" She laughed, tugging on his arms trying to see his hair, but no matter how hard she pulled on his arms, they didn't budge.

He was laughing at her attempt to even make his arms budge, he was obviously very stronger then the petite girl.

"Let. Me. See!" She grunted each time she pulled, finally deciding to pulling on his whole upper body, dragging him to the bed.

Both bodies layer down, wresting not even caring about Brennan's haircut, only about them making each other happy.

But it's got cut short when Katie walked into the room.

"Hey the burgers are... what are you guys doing?" She asked, confused and slightly laughing.

"Oh- uh, wrestling?" Callie answered, sitting up.


Brennan took the burgers off of the grill and was about to put it on the table, Callie pulled out her phone and was snap chatting the whole thing- until he dropped the burgers on the ground.

He threw the spatula and stomped his feet, Callie laughed at his antics, and decided to not tell him she caught it on tape.

Brennan stomped over to the couch and burrowed his face into the cushions, Callie walked over and sat next to him, rubbing his back in 'reassurance' when really she was dying from laughter.

Jill walked over slowly, "sweetie, are you in there?"

Callie giggled as Brennan slowly came out from the pillow, "it was so much hard work, and it was dangerous too!"

"Oh, brennan" Callie mumbled, but it was loud enough for him to hear because he lightly hit her with one of the throw pillows.



it's been 2 years & I still wait for him to

come on my screen again.. can't believe

another year has past. I love bubba &

always will ...

celebrate life 💜

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