Chapter 8: The Red Dagger's Game

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The Red Dagger threw Mr. Waites from the balcony to the main stage. He was all bloody and said, "He will kill us all, don't listen to him Tara! You remind me of my daughter. She was murdered by The Red Dagger.  That is why I was so fond of you, dear child.  Get out why you still can!" The Red Dagger jumped on to the stage while Nick said, "Run, Tara and take the people around you out the side door.  I love you!" The only reason Tara ran was because she saw some kids from the local middle school here that needed help. She said, "I love you, too!" Nick went up the stairs and was too late to save Mr. Waites since he was stabbed until he stopped breathing.

Tara got everyone to safety and was heading back inside when the theater blew up. She screamed, "Nick! No! You said that everything would be okay!" She was crying and turned her head to notice a letter on the ground. She picked it up. It read, "Great job, you saved the audience but lost Mr. Waites and your darling husband, Nick. Was it worth saving yourself before the others you care about?" The police and paramedics treated everyone on the scene.  Tara didn't say a word. She was biding her time until The Red Dagger would come for her.

Meanwhile, when Tara was outside the theater, Nick took the knife from The Red Dagger and sliced his right arm. The bomb made the place come down upon them but they both got out safely. Christopher ran towards Tara and said, "Are you okay? I didn't know you were coming tonight." Tara stared at him and nodded. Nick moved the rubble off of him and saw Christopher beside Tara. He yelled, "Get away from her, you monster!" Tara smiled and ran into his arms. They gave each other tons of kisses. Christopher said, "You should have gone down with the rubble, Nick! The Red Dagger is awesome!" Nick went to check Christopher's right arm and saw that he had no cut or blood on it. The police arrested Christopher when they found evidence that he had been peeping in women's windows and him stealing women's underwear. He was also stealing money from the theater ticket office where he worked part time. He took pictures of the girls he was peeping on and would be behind bars for the rest of his life. 

The Police Chief finally arrived with his arm in a sling. Malcolm said, "We have our suspect, Christopher Renault, in custody and thank you, Nick and Tara, for being brave against this serial killer." Nick had his gun ready and said, "Malcolm, I know you are The Red Dagger because your right arm is in a sling where I cut you with your own knife. Don't deny it.  Christopher is a sicko patsy but you are the one that people tell stories about and fear."

Malcolm waited for everyone to clear out and said, "You can not prove a thing!  Hello there, Tara we finally meet face to face. Aaron had figured out it was me because I reassigned him so quickly without notice and because my work hours have been strange. I was close to Tara once and was her best friend in high school. My name was Tommy Davenport.  I changed it after I killed my own parents in a fire when I was 16 years old. I enjoyed killing them and all of the people I inflicted pain on.  It was easy to be undetected at different places since I knew how to pick locks. When I saw Tara, I fell in love all over again. I was a stagehand at all of her plays and was also the Police Chief. It was a perfect cover since no one suspects a cop of killing their own. Charles found out who I really was by following me and I killed him.  Amy was just another kill because she was annoying in play practice.  Tara's parents didn't suspect me either until I said my name was Tommy Davenport under my breath so they could only hear. You see, Tara's dad had a restraining order on me many years ago.  I disappeared and dyed my hair from light brown to black. My eye color was blue but I used eye contacts to make them green, then black for The Red Dagger. My fake name, Malcolm Fredericks, was created and I hated acting nice, especially to you, Nick. I killed your parents, too. They witnessed me killing Isabella Waites and were going to tell the police department that they saw the Police Chief commit murder. It is ironic that you became a cop and worked under me."

Tara was recording all of his confession on her phone the whole time. Nick dialed 911 on his phone and said, "I think Malcolm Fredericks, aka The Red Dagger, aka, Tommy Davenport wants to confess. Malcolm ran at Nick and fought him until Tara got Tommy's gun that was flung her way. She said, "Don't move, Tommy!" The Red Dagger replied, "I don't think so!" Nick grabbed the gun out of his holster and shot Tommy in the head and back." The former Police Chief fell to the concrete as the police arrived in full force.  After observing the scene, they were in shock.

The police found more evidence about his obsession with Tara at Tommy's residence. There were pictures of Tara and countless other women he had killed in the past. They found a stash of knives with red handles in a antique chest that was why the police originally called him The Red Dagger serial killer. Aaron had evidence on his phone that he sent to his wife Angie. That was why she was killed. Nick held Tara and said, "It is finally over my darling wife! I think a much needed vacation is in order." Tara gave him a kiss and said, "I agree! First we need to take a shower after our long day." Nick commented, "What are we waiting for?  Let's go!" He grabbed her and they ran to the car. Nick said, "If you need anything else, call my cell."  The policemen nodded and chuckled at Nick and Tara's actions.

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