Timey Wimey Stuff

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(Cheekylittleminx has started a chatroom. Amazeballs and lafantastique have joined the chatroom)

Cheekylittleminx: hey guys

Amazeballs: hey

Lafantastique: hey bitches

Cheekylittleminx: *singing* guess who's back? Back again?

Amazeballs: minx is back

Lafantastique: tell her friends

Amazeballs: what friends?

Cheekylittleminx: o.0

Lafantastique: #rude

Amazeballs: hey guys I have a big red button. Guess what I'm gonna do

Cheekylittleminx: no...

Amazeballs:*presses button*

Cheekylittleminx and lafantastique: nooooo!

*insert timey wimey stuff*

(Sociopath, marysman and 3 others have joined the chatroom)

Sociopath: what is this? John?

Marysman: this is a chatroom, Sherlock

Sociopath: why am I in a chatroom?

Cheekylittleminx: who da hell are you?

Marysman: John Watson

Sociopath: your grammar is terrible

Lafantastique: sos your face

Sociopath: *so's

Amazeballs: bruh -_-

Mrwings: what is this 'bruh'?

Donttouchmypie: it's just a thing people say

Mrwings: why?

Moose: because they do

Marysman: who are you?

Donttouchmypie: what's it to you?

Cheekylittleminx: no need to be mean mr moody

Sociopath: *Mr

Amazeballs: are you an english teacher?

Sociopath: no

Lafantastique: then why are you correcting people?

Sociopath: because stupid people irritate me

Marysman: Sherlock! Manners!

Donttouchmypie: what's with that username?

Marysman: my wife picked it

Moose: Why don't you change it?

Marysman: I don't know how

(Marysman has changed their username to hedgehogman)

Hedgehogman: okay who hacked me?

Mrwings: if you have been hacked I suggest you seek immediate medical attention

Lafantastique: excuse me?

Moose: ignite him

Amazeballs: okay *pulls out lighter*


Amazeballs: *under breath* I never get to have any fun

Hedgehogman: you people are weird

(Hedgehogman has left the chatroom)

Sociopath: John?

Cheekylittleminx: well that was rude

Amazeballs: if he didnt want in, he shouldn't have joined

Sociopath: *didn't

Amazeballs: dude, seriosly?

Sociopath: *seriously

Amazeballs: *throws hands up in exasperation*

(Amazeballs has left the chatroom)

Lafantastique: whos actually still here?

Sociopath: *who's

Donttouchmypie: me

Moose: me

Cheekylittleminx: me

Mrwings: me

Umbrellasandcake: me

Sociopath: Mycroft?

Umbrellasandcake: I thought you were better then a 'chatroom', Sherlock

Sociopath: you're in here too

Umbrellasandcake: I'm here to distract you while John gets rid of your cigarettes

(Sociopath has stormed out the chatroom)

Lafantastique: how did he do that?

Umbrellasandcake: have you ever taken away Sherlock's cigarettes?

Mrwings: Crowley is here

Donttouchmypie: Sammy get the knives

(Moose and Donttouchmypie have left the chatroom)

Cheekylittleminx: damn boiz

Umbrellasandcake: *boys

(Umbrellasandcake has been kicked out the chatroom)

Lafantastique: boom bish!

Amazeballs: #inyourface

Lafantastique: bye bitches

(Lafantastique has left the chatroom)

Amazeballs: *singing* all by myself... I don't wanna be... All by myself...

(Amazeballs has left the chatroom)

Mrwings: ...

Mrwings: I'm still here

Mrwings: how do I leave?

Mrwings: Dean?

Mrwings: Dean?

(Mrwings has left the chatroom)

The chatroom has been disbanded.

A/N: sorry this is so terrible, any help guys? Love ya xxx

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