A Fond Farewell- Sort Of

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(Sam and 1 other have joined the chatroom)

Sam: I don't believe it...

Dean: what? What's wrong? SAMMY?

Sam: scroll up  /(-_-)\

Dean: why- oh. Oh.

Sam: when I saw their messages, I went straight over to their house

Dean: and?

Sam: ...

Dean: Sam?

Sam: I was too late

Dean: and what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Sam: Dean.

Dean: Sam.

Sam: you know what

Dean: ...

(Dean has left the chatroom)

Sam: /(-,_ -)\

(Cas and 1 other have joined the chatroom)

Clara: I'm actually dying!

Cas: what?! What's wrong? Do you require assistance? CLARA?!

Clara: whoa, chill! I'm not actually dying! It's a figure of speech for when someone is laughing so hard it hurts

Cas: oh. Sorry

Clara: it's fine haha

Cas: want a drink?

Clara: sure

Cas: /(•~•)---u

Clara: u---(^-^)\

Clara: to friendship

Cas: to friendship

Sam: *sob*

Cas: Sam? What's wrong?

Sam: scroll up

Clara: oh my Chuck!

Cas: /(•-•)\

Sam: /(•-•)\

Sam: okay what? "Oh my Chuck"?

Clara: I dunno... that's weird. Must be spending too much time with the Ghostfacers

Sam: *hiss*

Clara: /(•-•)\

Cas: really, guys? At a time like this? They're dead!

Clara: I'm sorry, but who are they, exactly?

Sam: they're the girls who started the chat. They brought us all together

Clara: "girls"? How old were they?

Cas: seventeen

Clara: jeez, guys. I'm sorry

Sam: thanks. I'm gonna... go tell the others

(Sam has left the chatroom)

Clara: Cas?

Cas: yes?

Clara: are you okay?

Cas: yes

Clara: are you sure?

Cas: yes

Clara: do you want me to go?

Cas: yes

Clara: oh... really?

Cas: *sobs* no!

Clara: it's okay, Cassie, it's okay. Why don't you come to my room? We can talk there in privacy

Cas: *whispers* thank you

(Clara and 1 other have left the chatroom)

(Help us!)

(Chatroom has shut down)

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