Archangel's Quest Intro

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(Gabriel has entered the chat room)

Doctor: and then- oh. Hi Gabriel 😁

Clara: hi 😄

Gabriel: hello.

Doctor: what's with the normal user? And why are you so... serious?

Gabriel: I'm going on a mission

Clara: a mission?

Gabriel: yes, a mission. To rescue Sam.

Doctor: do you want us to come with you?

Gabriel: no, this I must do alone. If I don't come back, tell Dean... tell him I tried

Clara: we will. Good luck, Gabriel

Gabriel: thanks

(Gabriel has exited the chat)

A/N: this is introduction to the next chapter. And I stopped it because I have a question:

Do I write the next part as a chat room, or as a usual story part?

If no one comments, or the votes are somehow equal, I'll write it as a normal story part. It's up to you now, guys. Stay frosty 🤟🏻

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