Romantic Uninvolvment

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(Dean has opened a private chat with Cas)

Dean: Cas? u okay?

Cas: ...

Dean: is it Clara?

Cas: *sniffle*

Dean: c'mere, you baby *hugs Cas*

Cas: Dean?

Dean: yeah?

Cas: if I'm hugging you right now, why are we still using a chatroom to talk?

Dean: ...

(Dean and Cas have left the chatroom)

—————- three hours later —————

(Cas has logged onto the chatroom)

Cas: curious. There's usually at least one person in here

(Clara has joined the chatroom)


Clara: ?

Cas: ...

Clara: what's up with you?

Cas: nothing.

Clara: suuuuuuure. Why don't you come snuggle with me and tell me what's wrong?

Cas: you're a manipulative psychopathic bitch

Clara: 😟

Clara: why would you say something like that?

Cas: because it's the truth

(Cas has left the chatroom)

Clara: 🥺

(Clara has invited the Doctor to the chatroom)

Clara: doc?

Doctor: Clara! You're back! 😄 how was Spain?

Clara: it was... nice

Doctor: what's wrong?

Clara: did I do something to upset Cas?

Doctor: what do you mean?

Clara has sent the Doctor a screenshot

Doctor: how curious. I'll ask the Winchesters

—————— in a private chat —————

(the Doctor has opened a private chat with Sam and Dean)

Doctor: can I ask you guys something?

Sam: s-

Dean: it wasn't me that broke your sonic

Doctor: wait, what? My sonic's broken?

Dean: ...

Dean: never mind then. What's up?

Doctor: has Clara done something to offend Cas?

Sam: you're joking, right?

Doctor: ?

Sam has sent the Doctor a screenshot

Doctor: what in Poosh?

Dean: wtf is a poosh

Doctor: Clara's been in Spain for the past three weeks! With no internet!

Sam: so how did she send those messages?

Dean: she didn't! Come on- we've got some investigating to do

Doctor: I'll get the Englishman

(the Doctor and Dean have left the chat)

Sam: curious...


Sam: oh, hey guys. You know anything about what's going on?

(Pffft no)

Sam: 😐

Sam: I don't think you're telling the truth

(Dammit. We're so sorry, Sam. But this must happen. For the world, for the Tumblr. For the fans)

Sam: lol wat?

Sam: wait

Sam: no!

Sam: get away from me!

Sam: stop!

Sam: noooooooooooo-

(Sam has left the chat)

A/N: lol bitches I'm back. What do you think of the latest chapter? Any ideas what the kitten licking frack nuggets is going on? Love to hear from you. Don't forget to vote, comment etc. Love you guys xxxxxxxxxx

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